Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Weird Stomach Virus Going Around 2010
A small diamond coatteria so bad to touch the sublime
last few days on the RAI networks aired a commercial in which Manuela Arcuri promote the latest book by Alfonso Luigi Marra, The labyrinth female. From time Marra uses a kind of advertising "wild" to launch his literary labors (It seems that the story of John and Margaret is the only source of unintentional comedy), but here it is outdated. The actress, never flinching, awakened from a catatonic sleep by the ringing of a cell phone, tells the story of the book and recommended reading, particularly because it is "work to free the couple and society from the strategy that the emotional turmoil and has greatly slowed the progress of civilization. " And in the end, just as the "cultural promoters' most successful, they should purchase.
We are faced with an absolute masterpiece and can not Beauty and expressionless , an example of unintentional kitsch, the camp and trash, a bad unintended but that is based on the candor with which it was put in place the device (it is then up to the malice of each turn it over into its opposite). For this Marra (Calabrian lawyer with a passion for writing, former MEP, elected with Forza Italy in 1994) decided to intervene in defense of his commercials: "To those who, in this culture of orifices and Strull is exaggerated Arcuri to define the spot of the ugliest possible, we can only say that jealousy is the most human of feelings. " The journey of our civilization passes for "culture of orifices.
The spot of super kitsch masterpiece Arcuri book promotion
A small diamond coatteria so bad to touch the sublime
What hastily Network sanctioned as the worst spot of the year will become an object Shrine, the most extraordinary travesty of book promotion on television. Other than the books sponsored by Fabio Fazio with pretentiousness or Corrado Augias or Serena Dandini! Here we are faced with a small diamond coatteria so bad to touch the sublime. By one of those paradoxes that often streak the world of communication, the 'waste' cultural rises in fees, just like when Andy Warhol argued that "the best thing about Florence is McDonald."
last few days on the RAI networks aired a commercial in which Manuela Arcuri promote the latest book by Alfonso Luigi Marra, The labyrinth female. From time Marra uses a kind of advertising "wild" to launch his literary labors (It seems that the story of John and Margaret is the only source of unintentional comedy), but here it is outdated. The actress, never flinching, awakened from a catatonic sleep by the ringing of a cell phone, tells the story of the book and recommended reading, particularly because it is "work to free the couple and society from the strategy that the emotional turmoil and has greatly slowed the progress of civilization. " And in the end, just as the "cultural promoters' most successful, they should purchase. Sunday, December 19, 2010
Zebra Wallpaper Print
Aldo Grasso for the Corriere della Sera
© photo Giovanni Caviezel 4 Dollswhip
Things do not understand. I do not understand how Paul Bonolis to "Hello Darwin" and "Who Framed Peter Pan?" Can go to university to say that some TV has contributed to corrupt our country. Where was he? But even more, I do not understand how the audience of students, a meeting promoted by the Left at the State University of Milan to the streets to protest against the Gelmini, meanwhile, drink the alibis of Bonolis.
do not understand how our country can have a future, after witnessing the performance of Mr Dominic Scilipoti radio ('A days in sheep) and those of television minister Ignazio La Russa and Mr Antonio Di Pietro ('Annozero). One says, but it's a show! Yes, but then just a bit 'of snow to break up the peninsula in two. You show too.
do not understand how Gad Lerner, after having served up boring broadcast on the bodies of women and against the tissue of "Strip," can take it with Catherine Soft (a good journalist and cultural) for writing: "I am entry into a shop because I needed a key. Behind the shop assistant that I saw lying Belén winked at me and I decided to go out and buy the key from the competition. " do not understand how Gerry Scotti, after accepting (I guess not for charity) to conduct three or four programs, to direct a radio, to make the testimonial more firms may complain of being exploited by Mediaset. He even confessed to legal action to put a stop to this overexposure. Of course, the confession was made during the press launch of its new program, "Paperissima.
do not understand how Benedetta Parodi ("cooked and eaten ') may have written a book. I'm not surprised, however, it is the first in the rankings best-selling books. What do we complain, in Italy?
Aldo Grasso for the Corriere della Sera
© photo Giovanni Caviezel 4 Dollswhip
Things do not understand. I do not understand how Paul Bonolis to "Hello Darwin" and "Who Framed Peter Pan?" Can go to university to say that some TV has contributed to corrupt our country. Where was he? But even more, I do not understand how the audience of students, a meeting promoted by the Left at the State University of Milan to the streets to protest against the Gelmini, meanwhile, drink the alibis of Bonolis.
do not understand how our country can have a future, after witnessing the performance of Mr Dominic Scilipoti radio ('A days in sheep) and those of television minister Ignazio La Russa and Mr Antonio Di Pietro ('Annozero). One says, but it's a show! Yes, but then just a bit 'of snow to break up the peninsula in two. You show too.
do not understand how Gad Lerner, after having served up boring broadcast on the bodies of women and against the tissue of "Strip," can take it with Catherine Soft (a good journalist and cultural) for writing: "I am entry into a shop because I needed a key. Behind the shop assistant that I saw lying Belén winked at me and I decided to go out and buy the key from the competition. " do not understand how Gerry Scotti, after accepting (I guess not for charity) to conduct three or four programs, to direct a radio, to make the testimonial more firms may complain of being exploited by Mediaset. He even confessed to legal action to put a stop to this overexposure. Of course, the confession was made during the press launch of its new program, "Paperissima.
do not understand how Benedetta Parodi ("cooked and eaten ') may have written a book. I'm not surprised, however, it is the first in the rankings best-selling books. What do we complain, in Italy?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thin And Light Tablet
Intercultural Project. Home Project 2010/2011
As every year, last September, the teacher who deals with interculturalism has started a literacy class a week for foreign students before classes begin. The initiative was highly appreciated by children and parents concerned.
As every year, last September, the teacher who deals with interculturalism has started a literacy class a week for foreign students before classes begin. The initiative was highly appreciated by children and parents concerned.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Gas Fireplace Starter
continuity childhood / primary
The images of the video shows some moments in the course of the project circle involving children 5 years of schooling 'Children and those of the first class. The project is carried out every year and aims to promote a peaceful transition of children from one school to another order.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Do Strippers Need A License
One laptop per child. OLPC
Article Istituto degli Innocenti

On October 14 students of Class IV C LL Radice school were given the laptop of the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child). At the handover ceremony was attended by over to students and their teachers, the Director of the II Circle and the Mayor of the City of Sesto, Councillor Sonia Farese, president and vice president of the Coop. This year each student of Class IV C staff will use a small laptop to do most of the teaching activities: Italian, mathematics, study materials, ... Good job, so children and teachers, keen to experience this exciting experience, unique among schools of Sesto.
Article Istituto degli Innocenti
How To Put Pokemon Soul Silver On My Blackberry
From Hitchcock to Garrone, psychological anatomy of the taxidermist. Taxidermy or the soul, as you prefer.
From Hitchcock to Garrone, psychological anatomy of the taxidermist. Taxidermy or the soul, as you prefer.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Best Snowmobile Helmet, 2010
journalists, newspapers and IPAD
This week in Hamburg took place World Editors Forum, where he talked about how the newspapers in Germany and in which direction they are going.
Felix Bellinger, editor-central of the 'Hamburger Abendblatt, "during a working lunch, talked about how the tablet will affect computer journalism. When asked: "Who will conduct the drawing in the future?", He replied: "It will be the editor of the newspaper, will be the art director." He explained that with the tablets as the iPad, readers want to have a visual experience, they want to interact, touch and move their screens. Bellinger also talked about the relationship between print and online edition: "On the Internet it takes continual updates, while the card has to offer interpretation."
This week in Hamburg took place World Editors Forum, where he talked about how the newspapers in Germany and in which direction they are going.
Felix Bellinger, editor-central of the 'Hamburger Abendblatt, "during a working lunch, talked about how the tablet will affect computer journalism. When asked: "Who will conduct the drawing in the future?", He replied: "It will be the editor of the newspaper, will be the art director." He explained that with the tablets as the iPad, readers want to have a visual experience, they want to interact, touch and move their screens. Bellinger also talked about the relationship between print and online edition: "On the Internet it takes continual updates, while the card has to offer interpretation."
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Does Cervical Erosion Affect Getting Pregnant
THE NEW DE CARLO fragmented
"It's the same idea of \u200b\u200blove to be a total misunderstanding," he says.
you'd want it to stop, he would like to continue "...
Try the new novel by Andrea De Carlo preview on Twitter . Extracts of 140 characters thrown on top socialnetwork in disguise, as if it were a dialogue between two real people. Then he and she are presented: Moletto Clare, an American living in Italy, and Daniel Deserts, personal and creative writer in crisis, the stars of "LeieLui" from Wednesday at the bookstore. "Their story begins with a crash (car) which is also a meeting" anticipates the writer in one of his mini video from 20 seconds on Youtube .
- courier blog
The new De Carlo "in pieces" on Twitter
"It's the same idea of \u200b\u200blove to be a total misunderstanding," he says.
you'd want it to stop, he would like to continue "...
Try the new novel by Andrea De Carlo preview on Twitter . Extracts of 140 characters thrown on top socialnetwork in disguise, as if it were a dialogue between two real people. Then he and she are presented: Moletto Clare, an American living in Italy, and Daniel Deserts, personal and creative writer in crisis, the stars of "LeieLui" from Wednesday at the bookstore. "Their story begins with a crash (car) which is also a meeting" anticipates the writer in one of his mini video from 20 seconds on Youtube .
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Handicap Toilet Stalls
LONDON - After 50 years returned to Milan one of the most important European artists of the twentieth century. On 22 September it was opened at the Palazzo Reale exhibition "Salvador Dalí. The dream is approaching, "curated by Vincenzo Trione, sponsored by the City of Milan - Culture and produced by the Royal Palace with 24 HOURS Culture - GROUP 24 HOURS. Through 56 works, the exhibition explores the relationship between the English surrealist artist and the landscape, the desire, the dream, but also opens a window to the world of Dalí, little-known yet fascinating. At the end of the exhibition, in fact, you can see a short film never shown in Italy, Destiny, a collaboration with Walt Disney Dali.
DALÍ AND THE CINEMA - Born 20 years experience in the early Dadaist and influenced by psychoanalysis, surrealism art explores the unconscious man, preferring been like a dream, hallucination, imagination, 'illusion. The film, in addition to painting, it seems capable of going beyond the known and to reveal the "surreal", made up of reality and dream. Several members of the movement test themselves well with the camera. Dali with Luis Buñuel's Un chien andalou signature before (1929) and then L'âge d'or (1930): allusive images follow one another without any real narrative logic. But not only the avant-garde film to attract Dalí. It is the film itself, in fact, to be surreal: "I came to Hollywood and want to meet three great American surrealists: the Marx Brothers, Cecil B. DeMille and Walt Disney, "wrote André Breton in 1937. For the artist, folk art and cutting edge may coincide. Dalí binds it to Harpo Marx, developing an idea for the famous brothers ever made a feature film. Collaborated in 1945 to the dream sequence of Spellbound Alfred Hitchcock could only be understood with the English who talked of his films as "daydreams." Finally meets Walt Disney. The two like each other. It will look like: so much of themselves as promoters of their works, devoted to his work, mixing romantic fantasies to a specific plan, "realistic". And so in 1946, Dalí became employed at Disney luxury.
COOPERATION WITH DISNEY - Dalí stamping the card for about three months from 9 to 5. The idea is to produce a short film to be included in an episodic film. The music choice is a Mexican ballad, Destiny , discarded for the movie The three Caballerros . Disney envisions the story of a girl in search of his love, Dalí leads the protagonist in a labyrinthine space-time, playing with the metamorphosis from animation allowed. They are produced drawings, sketches, storyboards. But the short film ever, perhaps because the era of episodic film is over, perhaps because the project is too "experimental", perhaps because they lack the money. Disney and Dalí cease their employment relationship, but continue to staff.
Dali at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, in a meeting with Disney cartoon
Salvador Dali |
DALÍ AND THE CINEMA - Born 20 years experience in the early Dadaist and influenced by psychoanalysis, surrealism art explores the unconscious man, preferring been like a dream, hallucination, imagination, 'illusion. The film, in addition to painting, it seems capable of going beyond the known and to reveal the "surreal", made up of reality and dream. Several members of the movement test themselves well with the camera. Dali with Luis Buñuel's Un chien andalou signature before (1929) and then L'âge d'or (1930): allusive images follow one another without any real narrative logic. But not only the avant-garde film to attract Dalí. It is the film itself, in fact, to be surreal: "I came to Hollywood and want to meet three great American surrealists: the Marx Brothers, Cecil B. DeMille and Walt Disney, "wrote André Breton in 1937. For the artist, folk art and cutting edge may coincide. Dalí binds it to Harpo Marx, developing an idea for the famous brothers ever made a feature film. Collaborated in 1945 to the dream sequence of Spellbound Alfred Hitchcock could only be understood with the English who talked of his films as "daydreams." Finally meets Walt Disney. The two like each other. It will look like: so much of themselves as promoters of their works, devoted to his work, mixing romantic fantasies to a specific plan, "realistic". And so in 1946, Dalí became employed at Disney luxury.
COOPERATION WITH DISNEY - Dalí stamping the card for about three months from 9 to 5. The idea is to produce a short film to be included in an episodic film. The music choice is a Mexican ballad, Destiny , discarded for the movie The three Caballerros . Disney envisions the story of a girl in search of his love, Dalí leads the protagonist in a labyrinthine space-time, playing with the metamorphosis from animation allowed. They are produced drawings, sketches, storyboards. But the short film ever, perhaps because the era of episodic film is over, perhaps because the project is too "experimental", perhaps because they lack the money. Disney and Dalí cease their employment relationship, but continue to staff.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Meatl Core Scooter Wheels
taroc BRILLO
Marco Vallora for "La Stampa "
It 'no use pretending: if it is proven that' voice '(already Output in 2007) of Warhol's Brillo false, commissioned? Doomed? Authenticated? Welcomed? (Here is the real problem) by Pontus Hulten, Pope avant-garde art, things of modern art, contemporary aesthetics and water, will not be the same. And for a while 'time, at least, will be cracked, and not just gossip journalism.
But if now would be too hasty and ill-advised throw to fish veneer reviews, comments preventive Possoni is still advancing. Not so much to defend the treason of an eccentric holy man, but to clip the wings, so, in advance, the morality of those accomplices fellow travelers, we already seem to see, rats, mount the socket on the trampoline hypocrite distances.
Now, no more vagueness: Pontus Hulten is none other than the state of the art of baroque mirror in which we live. We go to Paris for example, shows Second Main: You are faced with a Brillo box, a minor artist for up to date in all respects Warhol, with only "a show of concept" to fake a few millimeters or centimeters bigger. If there is no evidence of financial gain, but only a mockery of the system, Pontus Hulten certainly not have done anything but be faithful to the poetry of Warhol, in fact he had embodied his "philosophy. Who claimed that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe autograph fetishistic gave to the nerves, that his lithographs not pulled him, but his factory and his old emigrated mammaccia: how to make tortellini in the house. Yes, even his post-mortem. But what did he care of himself, after having announced that his only dream was to transmigrate in a ring, Liz Taylor's finger? These things, they go to the Transfiguration of the commonplace as a aesthetology Danto has explained the by heart.
If it turns out that Hulten, with his air of sly cat, he has won and he made the cottage in Sweden, the problem does not affect only him, but the entire system-the art mafia. It will be really the first, the only curator to become a merchant, underwater tunnels, pataccaro with national medal?
Marco Vallora for "La Stampa "
It 'no use pretending: if it is proven that' voice '(already Output in 2007) of Warhol's Brillo false, commissioned? Doomed? Authenticated? Welcomed? (Here is the real problem) by Pontus Hulten, Pope avant-garde art, things of modern art, contemporary aesthetics and water, will not be the same. And for a while 'time, at least, will be cracked, and not just gossip journalism.
But if now would be too hasty and ill-advised throw to fish veneer reviews, comments preventive Possoni is still advancing. Not so much to defend the treason of an eccentric holy man, but to clip the wings, so, in advance, the morality of those accomplices fellow travelers, we already seem to see, rats, mount the socket on the trampoline hypocrite distances.
Now, no more vagueness: Pontus Hulten is none other than the state of the art of baroque mirror in which we live. We go to Paris for example, shows Second Main: You are faced with a Brillo box, a minor artist for up to date in all respects Warhol, with only "a show of concept" to fake a few millimeters or centimeters bigger. If there is no evidence of financial gain, but only a mockery of the system, Pontus Hulten certainly not have done anything but be faithful to the poetry of Warhol, in fact he had embodied his "philosophy. Who claimed that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe autograph fetishistic gave to the nerves, that his lithographs not pulled him, but his factory and his old emigrated mammaccia: how to make tortellini in the house. Yes, even his post-mortem. But what did he care of himself, after having announced that his only dream was to transmigrate in a ring, Liz Taylor's finger? These things, they go to the Transfiguration of the commonplace as a aesthetology Danto has explained the by heart.
If it turns out that Hulten, with his air of sly cat, he has won and he made the cottage in Sweden, the problem does not affect only him, but the entire system-the art mafia. It will be really the first, the only curator to become a merchant, underwater tunnels, pataccaro with national medal?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sibutramine Forbide In Germany
sclastico Year 2009/2010.
The kindergarten Gobetti work has been done under the project aimed at disability awareness of the passage of time and perception of events in succession by offering students various activities including the construction of the big book of the actions of the day using the technique of collage.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
M Jak Milosc Nowe Odcinki
definition of art - a
Art is everything that people call art (D. Cheese)
Fifty years of rock lived
Art is everything that people call art (D. Cheese)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Average Food And Drink Prices In Krakow 2010
great to be enough. Or who knows that any contract with the devil can cause a deadline at the end. Whatever the interpretation that you want to give the news that the Rolling Stones are preparing for the farewell to the stage with a mammoth world tour. The concert series to begin in 2011 for completion in 2012, exactly 50 years after their first appearance, dated July 1962.
The story stands on the homepage of Sun, that the management of the Rolling Stones would be in talks with promoter Live Nation for the preparation of the tour. A source close to the band confirmed: "There will be concerts in stadiums and in all likelihood will be their last tour on a global scale." Blame age. During the tour, drummer Charlie Watts should extinguish the candles and 70 would be the first band member to cross that threshold. Event which led the founders of the group, singer Mick Jagger (67 years old next July 26) and guitarist Keith Richards (67 December 18), as well as another guitarist Ron Wood, 63, to consider the best time step for the farewell. "The band seems to have discovered the burden of age - says the source - and wants to bow out while still at the peak."
great to be enough. Or who knows that any contract with the devil can cause a deadline at the end. Whatever the interpretation that you want to give the news that the Rolling Stones are preparing for the farewell to the stage with a mammoth world tour. The concert series to begin in 2011 for completion in 2012, exactly 50 years after their first appearance, dated July 1962.
The story stands on the homepage of Sun, that the management of the Rolling Stones would be in talks with promoter Live Nation for the preparation of the tour. A source close to the band confirmed: "There will be concerts in stadiums and in all likelihood will be their last tour on a global scale." Blame age. During the tour, drummer Charlie Watts should extinguish the candles and 70 would be the first band member to cross that threshold. Event which led the founders of the group, singer Mick Jagger (67 years old next July 26) and guitarist Keith Richards (67 December 18), as well as another guitarist Ron Wood, 63, to consider the best time step for the farewell. "The band seems to have discovered the burden of age - says the source - and wants to bow out while still at the peak."
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Font Size On Academic Poster
A beautiful day, "Elmer" Nursery School Riviera #
School Year 2009/2010
Group Yellow / Red participated in the project working on the history of disability " Elmer, the elephant colorful. " activity, which had among its objectives promoting socialization, self-esteem and develop respect for the diversity of the other, was carried out in class, working groups, for six weekly meetings. E 'was read the story and the children have dramatized, annotated and illustrated by voice.

School Year 2009/2010
Group Yellow / Red participated in the project working on the history of disability " Elmer, the elephant colorful. " activity, which had among its objectives promoting socialization, self-esteem and develop respect for the diversity of the other, was carried out in class, working groups, for six weekly meetings. E 'was read the story and the children have dramatized, annotated and illustrated by voice.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
West Point Ny Gay Cruising
iPhone and new models of mobile communication
by Corriere Online "
Digital Life
The new iPhone and the way of the" mobile "
Written by: Federico Cella
The evening at 17:40 (our) new iPhone began with a Steve Jobs who dressed as usual - on stage at WWDC 2010 in San Francisco - talking about the success of the "magic" iPad "He changed the world, we sell one every three seconds." Before the anticipated announcement of the success of a self-congratulatory Carello tablet: 8500 iPad, 35 million already loaded, 5 million books downloaded with iBook (22% of sales of electronic books in the world), 15 000 new applications (in General AppStore) proposals each week, messages from individuals and companies (eBay, Netflix) happy to be in the new market launched by Apple, a billion dollars previously paid to the developers. The focus then goes to
Melafonino, defined the true phenomenon of mobile browsing on the Net (58% usage of the iPhone browser, android 22.7%, RIM 8%) here is the iPhone 4, new design, 9.3 mm, 24% thinner than the iPhone 3G, front camera (and on the back with flash). The long-awaited new glass screen, still 3.5 "confirms expectations: 326 pixels per inch-higher resolution than the human eye -, 960x640 pixels in total. And even if evidence of live web surfing - compared between the new and "Old" 3Gs - fails to live, as the crowd is always wild. So Jobs has confirmed the presence of the chip inside the phone used for the iPad A4 and revealed the capacity of the battery power: 6 hours surfing on 3G, 10 hours with wifi, 10 hours video, 40 hours music, 300 hours standby. It then goes to the fifth
news, the camera pictures from 3 to 5-megapixel sensor, backlit, 5X digital zoom, LED flash, video recording in high definition (720p at 30 fps) resulting in iMovie developed for mobile phones (4 , $ 99).
Then, after a little 'set design - "Close the wi-fi, you put your computer on the ground," perhaps even a bit' of congestion in the network room - here is the long-awaited new operating system, renamed iOS4. The multitasking, as expected, and "more than 100 features, but we will not let you see." These include the ability to create folders to manage applications and three search engines designed for the Internet: Google, and Yahoo Bing Steve Jobs then New moves to seventh and eighth, or iBook on the iPhone, and the launch of IADs, ie advertising on mobile applications. A huge market - 100 million devices running iOS sold in June, 150 million users of iTunes / AppStore by credit card, download 16 billion - now, as Jobs says happy, can express the best of its potential statement. And
order to get prices, considered with the contract with the American operator ($ 199 for 16GB, 299 to 32), but in line with those of the 3Gs. So we can do better idea. From June 24 sale in five countries (not Italy), on August 24 other countries (and here we will be Italy), on September 88 more yet. Since June 21, then you can upgrade the operating system to the new iOS4: free will as always for 3G and 3G (but not all features, such as multitasking), and for the first time the iPod Touch. The launch of this new
Melafonino fits strongly in a trend recently brought to the attention of the media on the one hand by the words of the great protagonists of the hi-tech scene, and the other by a series of numbers that confirm that the use of technology is taking a new road. That more and more linked to mobility. Last week Steve Jobs said that PCs with Windows are falling and ultimately belong to the past. The other side is that Steve, Ballmer CEO of Microsoft, of course, does not think (exactly) like that. And in an indirect response to the head of Apple, said that although the personal computer world is changing radically, but these will remain and so the Windows operating system. "Some computers will have the keyboard, some do not, therefore, are also tablet pc, and we will continue to be the os par excellence. Although he had to admit Ballmer, Microsoft's mobile has missed a cycle. The iPad
arrivals and new handsets based on Android (and, in a different way, also announced that Google TV) are going in the direction of a new concept of "computer science". What in particular to Italy is confirmed by data taken out today by the Centre's Internet & Mobile content Politecnico di Milano. According to research, in a year from mobile web use in our country increased by 17% (+26% mobile connections over the Internet and connect key card). The Italians who sail with a mobile phone increased from the beginning of 2009 to the current 6 million and 10 million more. A trend that, significantly in the next few years will bring the mobile surfer to overcome those who go on the Internet with PC and wired connection. In particular, "the pattern of application store, smartphones, is now being introduced also in the laptop segment," says Andrea Rangone, scientific director of the Centre. "The consequences of this will be revolutionary in the coming years."
Apple has undoubtedly opened the way and currently the only company that seems to be able to compete - or let's say, to accompany Apple on this new road - and then Google with its operating system "open" Android. Able in 18 months of life to gain something like 10% of the smartphone market. How do you explain very well the Financial Times today (below the graph with the proliferation of operating systems for smartphones), passed in mid-May after Windows Mobile, Android over three years - if current trends continue - should get behind both iPhone or Blackberry, reaching the second most common operating system for smart phones after the popular Symbian, Nokia.

by Corriere Online "
Digital Life
The new iPhone and the way of the" mobile "
Written by: Federico Cella
The evening at 17:40 (our) new iPhone began with a Steve Jobs who dressed as usual - on stage at WWDC 2010 in San Francisco - talking about the success of the "magic" iPad "He changed the world, we sell one every three seconds." Before the anticipated announcement of the success of a self-congratulatory Carello tablet: 8500 iPad, 35 million already loaded, 5 million books downloaded with iBook (22% of sales of electronic books in the world), 15 000 new applications (in General AppStore) proposals each week, messages from individuals and companies (eBay, Netflix) happy to be in the new market launched by Apple, a billion dollars previously paid to the developers. The focus then goes to
Melafonino, defined the true phenomenon of mobile browsing on the Net (58% usage of the iPhone browser, android 22.7%, RIM 8%) here is the iPhone 4, new design, 9.3 mm, 24% thinner than the iPhone 3G, front camera (and on the back with flash). The long-awaited new glass screen, still 3.5 "confirms expectations: 326 pixels per inch-higher resolution than the human eye -, 960x640 pixels in total. And even if evidence of live web surfing - compared between the new and "Old" 3Gs - fails to live, as the crowd is always wild. So Jobs has confirmed the presence of the chip inside the phone used for the iPad A4 and revealed the capacity of the battery power: 6 hours surfing on 3G, 10 hours with wifi, 10 hours video, 40 hours music, 300 hours standby. It then goes to the fifth
news, the camera pictures from 3 to 5-megapixel sensor, backlit, 5X digital zoom, LED flash, video recording in high definition (720p at 30 fps) resulting in iMovie developed for mobile phones (4 , $ 99).
Then, after a little 'set design - "Close the wi-fi, you put your computer on the ground," perhaps even a bit' of congestion in the network room - here is the long-awaited new operating system, renamed iOS4. The multitasking, as expected, and "more than 100 features, but we will not let you see." These include the ability to create folders to manage applications and three search engines designed for the Internet: Google, and Yahoo Bing Steve Jobs then New moves to seventh and eighth, or iBook on the iPhone, and the launch of IADs, ie advertising on mobile applications. A huge market - 100 million devices running iOS sold in June, 150 million users of iTunes / AppStore by credit card, download 16 billion - now, as Jobs says happy, can express the best of its potential statement. And
order to get prices, considered with the contract with the American operator ($ 199 for 16GB, 299 to 32), but in line with those of the 3Gs. So we can do better idea. From June 24 sale in five countries (not Italy), on August 24 other countries (and here we will be Italy), on September 88 more yet. Since June 21, then you can upgrade the operating system to the new iOS4: free will as always for 3G and 3G (but not all features, such as multitasking), and for the first time the iPod Touch. The launch of this new
Melafonino fits strongly in a trend recently brought to the attention of the media on the one hand by the words of the great protagonists of the hi-tech scene, and the other by a series of numbers that confirm that the use of technology is taking a new road. That more and more linked to mobility. Last week Steve Jobs said that PCs with Windows are falling and ultimately belong to the past. The other side is that Steve, Ballmer CEO of Microsoft, of course, does not think (exactly) like that. And in an indirect response to the head of Apple, said that although the personal computer world is changing radically, but these will remain and so the Windows operating system. "Some computers will have the keyboard, some do not, therefore, are also tablet pc, and we will continue to be the os par excellence. Although he had to admit Ballmer, Microsoft's mobile has missed a cycle. The iPad
arrivals and new handsets based on Android (and, in a different way, also announced that Google TV) are going in the direction of a new concept of "computer science". What in particular to Italy is confirmed by data taken out today by the Centre's Internet & Mobile content Politecnico di Milano. According to research, in a year from mobile web use in our country increased by 17% (+26% mobile connections over the Internet and connect key card). The Italians who sail with a mobile phone increased from the beginning of 2009 to the current 6 million and 10 million more. A trend that, significantly in the next few years will bring the mobile surfer to overcome those who go on the Internet with PC and wired connection. In particular, "the pattern of application store, smartphones, is now being introduced also in the laptop segment," says Andrea Rangone, scientific director of the Centre. "The consequences of this will be revolutionary in the coming years."
Apple has undoubtedly opened the way and currently the only company that seems to be able to compete - or let's say, to accompany Apple on this new road - and then Google with its operating system "open" Android. Able in 18 months of life to gain something like 10% of the smartphone market. How do you explain very well the Financial Times today (below the graph with the proliferation of operating systems for smartphones), passed in mid-May after Windows Mobile, Android over three years - if current trends continue - should get behind both iPhone or Blackberry, reaching the second most common operating system for smart phones after the popular Symbian, Nokia.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Scorpion Template For A Cake
anti-Israel by the Courier Online
Coop initiative anti-Israel (returned)
When the label is hidden beneath the boycott
Behind the 'traceability' a campaign against a state
Pierluigi Battista
he plays in the Italian and minimizes the words, takes the form of a boycott un'aggrovigliata issue of "traceability" and a campaign to ' political and economic ostracism of a State becomes a trivial problem of etiquette, an altercation at a distance on products with a designation of origin. But the war
Coop (and Nordiconad) against Israeli products dell'Agrexco proved within a few hours for what it was: a political case, a dispute that the boycott has added an unprecedented threat of counter-boycott . Other than "traceability." Now, signed the agreement (or truce), fruit and vegetables on the back benches of the Coop. The Coop has found time in which the Internet, blogs, social networks, an insurmountable obstacle to its strategy of minimization. They said it was "boycott", which was only a matter of accuracy and fairness of the market, consumers had to know that behind the "Made in Israel" were also collected and processed products from the agribusiness giant in Agrexco Occupied Territories, as is known, are not yet a Palestinian state, but certainly not the State of Israel. But the Agrexco responded that those products accounted for only 0.4 percent of the total and if there was to adapt the label to the fees set by EU rules, then they would not reverse any impediment. And then, there was no need for the Coop to draw up a listing so demanding nothing less than the release of its products from shelves Israelis, some of unknown origin? They could not apply directly all'Agrexco, then as has been done, but only after the improvident, and catastrophic announcement of the boycott? And then, it was not really sure, just 'boycott'?
managers of Coop say no, that has never been a boycott. But then you discover that the site of the NGO "Stop Agrexco" There was pleased in recent days to "the important result of the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions' (all in capital letters) "against Israeli apartheid." Only a "question of etiquette" or that hint to the 'Israeli apartheid' policy does not declare an intention perhaps a bit 'less, so to speak,' technical? "Boycott," to appear here, repeatedly and obsessively by its promoters, the forbidden word. As it appears on the same site, the sequence of actions show that in a couple of months have strongly impressed the Coop suddenly to take the decision now returned: the events of Largo Agosta Coop supermarkets and Via Laurentina in Rome demonstrations outside the Coop of Pisa, Italy Casalecchio Coop, Coop front of Pesaro and Jesi by organizing "Palestine Solidarity Campaign gears, and so on. Very often appeared in leaflets which they deplored "the Israeli government has repeatedly guilty of war crimes against humanity." Always appeared the forbidden word, "boycott": that the Coop has always denied, that just take a look at some 'of these movies and ubiquitous ubiquity YouTube to discover the brand, "Boycott!" With the militants wearing the same shirt extolling the 'Free Palestine', the same scenes of the shelves with products Israelis targeted the same language very aggressive.
The strategy of minimization, the eradication of the word "boycott" from the lexicon of the Coop, could not keep time to the reactions which have been especially on blogs their channel of information: in a 'cross', is on the right than on the left. A Left that, in heartfelt open letter signed among others by Furio Colombo, Emanuele Fiano and Gianni Vernetti, was questioned about the reasons which led amazed organization "progressive" as the Coop to go along with the anti-Israeli underestimating the emotional impact, and the awakening of horrible memories, the dell'estromissione products "Jewish" from the shelves of a store. A right that has seen Fiamma Nirenstein among the principal architects of the counter-boycott and by Foreign Minister Frattini expressed with an adjective, "racist", the taste is unmistakable. On Facebook groups were created as' Coop boycott the products of Israel? We boycott the Coop "and" I do not buy either the Coop or the Conad "who have collected miles accessions. It appeared even the tragic picture of the smiling Italian in 1938 who wantonly performs the sign "This store is Aryan" in the window of his shop. There have written open letters to Luciana Littizzetto, spokesperson of the Coop. The common reaction Coop did not work, beginning with the reassuring page newspaper advertisement bought by the Coop brand to drive away the ghost of "boycott." Today acronym, obtorto neck, an agreement with Agrexco. And the anti-boycott camp can be found, bipartisan, one last protest in front of a supermarket Coop. A dramatic own goal, at best. An open wound with a portion of the public who do not recognize the incessant anti-Israeli campaign
Pierluigi Battista
anti-Israel by the Courier Online
Coop initiative anti-Israel (returned)
When the label is hidden beneath the boycott
Behind the 'traceability' a campaign against a state
Pierluigi Battista
he plays in the Italian and minimizes the words, takes the form of a boycott un'aggrovigliata issue of "traceability" and a campaign to ' political and economic ostracism of a State becomes a trivial problem of etiquette, an altercation at a distance on products with a designation of origin. But the war
Coop (and Nordiconad) against Israeli products dell'Agrexco proved within a few hours for what it was: a political case, a dispute that the boycott has added an unprecedented threat of counter-boycott . Other than "traceability." Now, signed the agreement (or truce), fruit and vegetables on the back benches of the Coop. The Coop has found time in which the Internet, blogs, social networks, an insurmountable obstacle to its strategy of minimization. They said it was "boycott", which was only a matter of accuracy and fairness of the market, consumers had to know that behind the "Made in Israel" were also collected and processed products from the agribusiness giant in Agrexco Occupied Territories, as is known, are not yet a Palestinian state, but certainly not the State of Israel. But the Agrexco responded that those products accounted for only 0.4 percent of the total and if there was to adapt the label to the fees set by EU rules, then they would not reverse any impediment. And then, there was no need for the Coop to draw up a listing so demanding nothing less than the release of its products from shelves Israelis, some of unknown origin? They could not apply directly all'Agrexco, then as has been done, but only after the improvident, and catastrophic announcement of the boycott? And then, it was not really sure, just 'boycott'?
managers of Coop say no, that has never been a boycott. But then you discover that the site of the NGO "Stop Agrexco" There was pleased in recent days to "the important result of the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions' (all in capital letters) "against Israeli apartheid." Only a "question of etiquette" or that hint to the 'Israeli apartheid' policy does not declare an intention perhaps a bit 'less, so to speak,' technical? "Boycott," to appear here, repeatedly and obsessively by its promoters, the forbidden word. As it appears on the same site, the sequence of actions show that in a couple of months have strongly impressed the Coop suddenly to take the decision now returned: the events of Largo Agosta Coop supermarkets and Via Laurentina in Rome demonstrations outside the Coop of Pisa, Italy Casalecchio Coop, Coop front of Pesaro and Jesi by organizing "Palestine Solidarity Campaign gears, and so on. Very often appeared in leaflets which they deplored "the Israeli government has repeatedly guilty of war crimes against humanity." Always appeared the forbidden word, "boycott": that the Coop has always denied, that just take a look at some 'of these movies and ubiquitous ubiquity YouTube to discover the brand, "Boycott!" With the militants wearing the same shirt extolling the 'Free Palestine', the same scenes of the shelves with products Israelis targeted the same language very aggressive.
The strategy of minimization, the eradication of the word "boycott" from the lexicon of the Coop, could not keep time to the reactions which have been especially on blogs their channel of information: in a 'cross', is on the right than on the left. A Left that, in heartfelt open letter signed among others by Furio Colombo, Emanuele Fiano and Gianni Vernetti, was questioned about the reasons which led amazed organization "progressive" as the Coop to go along with the anti-Israeli underestimating the emotional impact, and the awakening of horrible memories, the dell'estromissione products "Jewish" from the shelves of a store. A right that has seen Fiamma Nirenstein among the principal architects of the counter-boycott and by Foreign Minister Frattini expressed with an adjective, "racist", the taste is unmistakable. On Facebook groups were created as' Coop boycott the products of Israel? We boycott the Coop "and" I do not buy either the Coop or the Conad "who have collected miles accessions. It appeared even the tragic picture of the smiling Italian in 1938 who wantonly performs the sign "This store is Aryan" in the window of his shop. There have written open letters to Luciana Littizzetto, spokesperson of the Coop. The common reaction Coop did not work, beginning with the reassuring page newspaper advertisement bought by the Coop brand to drive away the ghost of "boycott." Today acronym, obtorto neck, an agreement with Agrexco. And the anti-boycott camp can be found, bipartisan, one last protest in front of a supermarket Coop. A dramatic own goal, at best. An open wound with a portion of the public who do not recognize the incessant anti-Israeli campaign
Pierluigi Battista
Monday, May 17, 2010
Adidas Combat Speed Iii Washing
CantAscuola Refresher Course. Final day. 2009 Sixth
Thursday, May 13 at Film Grotto was held the final day of the refresher course CantAscuola. It 'was a very beautiful moment that allowed those present to introduce their work in three years with the Master and Guiot del'infanzia with school children and primary school. The evening was enlivened by the singing of the choir of boys and teachers.
Last year it was held an internship at the Church of the Fifth Low. In the previous post are two moments of the event.
Thursday, May 13 at Film Grotto was held the final day of the refresher course CantAscuola. It 'was a very beautiful moment that allowed those present to introduce their work in three years with the Master and Guiot del'infanzia with school children and primary school. The evening was enlivened by the singing of the choir of boys and teachers.
Last year it was held an internship at the Church of the Fifth Low. In the previous post are two moments of the event.
Brookstone Rc Sailboat
Try to recycle. Project 'M'illumino less
Class 4 A Villa La Fonte has competed M'illumino less with a video calling to recycle paper to respect the environment
Class 4 A Villa La Fonte has competed M'illumino less with a video calling to recycle paper to respect the environment
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Buy Uggs Using Paypal
(from "Dagospia)

(from "Dagospia)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Nerf Gun Birthday Party Invitation
start (we are now to 19/02/2010, we have a concert tomorrow in Forlì) 02/19/2010
We are now stable, we are clean, started, happy. Happy to start a new adventure with a new person, very dear to us, that is always with us. Before it was always a playmate and common interests, is now the new item, the best person to develop and contribute to the construction of new pieces with new ideas. Since the abandonment of our old component, by October we are grinding tests on evidence, we now have two pieces in hand, the first ("attack") is a kind of parachute that goes up a mountain and then it reached the highest peak in the rushes empty lands in the sand and starts walking towards the forest. The second ("Black") is repeating the march of the penguins in the city, are protesting because their ice is becoming black in the second part of the piece evolves into the black flowers, is always black, but the flowers will magnify and eventually cover the sky.
Written and conceived by seba
more ....
start (we are now to 19/02/2010, we have a concert tomorrow in Forlì) 02/19/2010
We are now stable, we are clean, started, happy. Happy to start a new adventure with a new person, very dear to us, that is always with us. Before it was always a playmate and common interests, is now the new item, the best person to develop and contribute to the construction of new pieces with new ideas. Since the abandonment of our old component, by October we are grinding tests on evidence, we now have two pieces in hand, the first ("attack") is a kind of parachute that goes up a mountain and then it reached the highest peak in the rushes empty lands in the sand and starts walking towards the forest. The second ("Black") is repeating the march of the penguins in the city, are protesting because their ice is becoming black in the second part of the piece evolves into the black flowers, is always black, but the flowers will magnify and eventually cover the sky.
Written and conceived by seba
more ....
Cooper Definity Hx700
Finally biography (very technical and still incomplete)
carghini Sebastian, Daniel Magrini, Simone Bartolini. We just started playing together in January 2005, August 2009 Luke leaves us and takes over Simon (currently drummer for cosmetic and crazy guitar in BIP). Now we're three, we are always very good friends, we play and have fun, Simon now plays guitar and then we 2 guitars and drums, we are making the new pieces. Now our set-up has stabilized (with great effort and work we were able to achieve a high power): Daniel (aka thin) plays guitar with a Fender "Mustang". Use two amplifiers, a transistor FBT (150 w) of the early nineties, the second consists of a box of 4 cones sovtec 10 "(400w) Sent by a header transistor 200 fender w. He uses about a dozen boss pedals of the various distortions, and delay octaver ect. Simone (aka Mone) plays a Gibson SG guitar for about 10 years ago. Mone uses 2 amps, the first transistor is a combo of Peavy (200 w) of the early nineties The second is a blend between a low header from carvin (300w) and a case warwick (single cone I think, 18 "?) Uses a whammy octaver exactly 3 pedals, a distortion of the boss of the nineties and a delay. Seba (aka Spalt, tone) uses a Mapex (owned of coins) with snare dell'arbiter (the brand that makes the drums without the tie) dishes use of a Zildjian ride (22 ") and laughs at saabian (20), use chopsticks and vic-firth 5b ProMark 5A, and the mechanics are the Tama drum. From 2005 until now we have about 10-13 concerts, we played with red worms' farm, kelvin, cosmetic, Venice, up there: the clouds, montezuma, pater Nimrod, deer, portugal, nacho fever, loved, Enrico Malatesta, Lorenzo Senni, the harmacy ect. At present we feel the old salaprove of cosmetic.
carghini Sebastian, Daniel Magrini, Simone Bartolini. We just started playing together in January 2005, August 2009 Luke leaves us and takes over Simon (currently drummer for cosmetic and crazy guitar in BIP). Now we're three, we are always very good friends, we play and have fun, Simon now plays guitar and then we 2 guitars and drums, we are making the new pieces. Now our set-up has stabilized (with great effort and work we were able to achieve a high power): Daniel (aka thin) plays guitar with a Fender "Mustang". Use two amplifiers, a transistor FBT (150 w) of the early nineties, the second consists of a box of 4 cones sovtec 10 "(400w) Sent by a header transistor 200 fender w. He uses about a dozen boss pedals of the various distortions, and delay octaver ect. Simone (aka Mone) plays a Gibson SG guitar for about 10 years ago. Mone uses 2 amps, the first transistor is a combo of Peavy (200 w) of the early nineties The second is a blend between a low header from carvin (300w) and a case warwick (single cone I think, 18 "?) Uses a whammy octaver exactly 3 pedals, a distortion of the boss of the nineties and a delay. Seba (aka Spalt, tone) uses a Mapex (owned of coins) with snare dell'arbiter (the brand that makes the drums without the tie) dishes use of a Zildjian ride (22 ") and laughs at saabian (20), use chopsticks and vic-firth 5b ProMark 5A, and the mechanics are the Tama drum. From 2005 until now we have about 10-13 concerts, we played with red worms' farm, kelvin, cosmetic, Venice, up there: the clouds, montezuma, pater Nimrod, deer, portugal, nacho fever, loved, Enrico Malatesta, Lorenzo Senni, the harmacy ect. At present we feel the old salaprove of cosmetic.
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