Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weird Stomach Virus Going Around 2010


The spot of super kitsch masterpiece Arcuri book promotion

A small diamond coatteria so bad to touch the sublime
What hastily Network sanctioned as the worst spot of the year will become an object Shrine, the most extraordinary travesty of book promotion on television. Other than the books sponsored by Fabio Fazio with pretentiousness or Corrado Augias or Serena Dandini! Here we are faced with a small diamond coatteria so bad to touch the sublime. By one of those paradoxes that often streak the world of communication, the 'waste' cultural rises in fees, just like when Andy Warhol argued that "the best thing about Florence is McDonald."

last few days on the RAI networks aired a commercial in which Manuela Arcuri promote the latest book by Alfonso Luigi Marra, The labyrinth female. From time Marra uses a kind of advertising "wild" to launch his literary labors (It seems that the story of John and Margaret is the only source of unintentional comedy), but here it is outdated. The actress, never flinching, awakened from a catatonic sleep by the ringing of a cell phone, tells the story of the book and recommended reading, particularly because it is "work to free the couple and society from the strategy that the emotional turmoil and has greatly slowed the progress of civilization. " And in the end, just as the "cultural promoters' most successful, they should purchase.
We are faced with an absolute masterpiece and can not Beauty and expressionless , an example of unintentional kitsch, the camp and trash, a bad unintended but that is based on the candor with which it was put in place the device (it is then up to the malice of each turn it over into its opposite). For this Marra (Calabrian lawyer with a passion for writing, former MEP, elected with Forza Italy in 1994) decided to intervene in defense of his commercials: "To those who, in this culture of orifices and Strull is exaggerated Arcuri to define the spot of the ugliest possible, we can only say that jealousy is the most human of feelings. " The journey of our civilization passes for "culture of orifices.


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