start (we are now to 19/02/2010, we have a concert tomorrow in Forlì) 02/19/2010
We are now stable, we are clean, started, happy. Happy to start a new adventure with a new person, very dear to us, that is always with us. Before it was always a playmate and common interests, is now the new item, the best person to develop and contribute to the construction of new pieces with new ideas. Since the abandonment of our old component, by October we are grinding tests on evidence, we now have two pieces in hand, the first ("attack") is a kind of parachute that goes up a mountain and then it reached the highest peak in the rushes empty lands in the sand and starts walking towards the forest. The second ("Black") is repeating the march of the penguins in the city, are protesting because their ice is becoming black in the second part of the piece evolves into the black flowers, is always black, but the flowers will magnify and eventually cover the sky.
Written and conceived by seba
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