Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Does Abnormal Esr Mean

(third class)

The wine must be bottled before the clarification treatments at low temperatures, with bentonite and gelatin, followed by filtration accurate.

The coarse filtration remove the bigger particles, the rinse and separate even the smallest ones hold even sterilizing microorganisms (the nasty bacteria!) Making the wine perfectly clear.

is increasingly common to read the writing on the label "wine unfiltered" . There are many wine makers who choose not to filter the wine, thus leaving unchanged the set of colors, scents and flavors. I this case the bottom of the bottle will find small particles, but these will not affect in any way, the goodness of wine !!!!!!!

To make the wine more lively or to correct any defects, sometimes account for a fermentation, adding a little 'fresh must in addition to the yeasts that make start fermentation.

As regards the pasteurization it is used mostly for common wines. The treated wine is stable in terms of enzymatic and microbiological testing, but limited in aromatic expressions.

are also many other fixes that are done ... ..


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