Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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The fourth lesson .... Sparkling

Wow it's been a month since I published the post dedicated to the third lesson of the course.
Now is the time of the sparkling !!!!!
The lesson I really liked because in the end, we accompanied our three sparkling a slice of cheese seasoned 36 months and two mini fruit tarts and chocolate ... .. and considering that the course starts at 8pm and I'm always on an empty stomach I'd say there were really good!

Sooner or later I also create a page all about the tastings we do during the course ...

Happy reading and I recommend the glass is always full ... ... .. ready to empty it of course!

for the time I posted these topics ...... soon (I hope) will publish the Martinotti method etc ....

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(fourth class)
The wines are classified as:
  • S pumanti Natural: in which carbon dioxide is produced by fermentation. They will therefore be the two main methods used for the production of bubbles and that is the classic method and Martinotti Method (or Charmat) ignoring the Method Marone-Cinzano , now almost deserted;
  • Sparkling Artificial in which carbon dioxide is added. These are products of lower quality than the natural ones .... and which by the way we have not covered during the lesson.

now forward then you will speak only of natural sparkling !!!!!!!!!!

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(fourth class)

The vines for the production of sparkling wine are divided into:
  • Semiaromatic Aromatic and i (white or yellow Moscato, Malvasia Prosecco, Gewurztraminer, Brachetto)
  • not Aromatic (Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, white and gray).

I aromatic grapes are those in which we can find the aromas , that the aromas that nell'acino present, then we find in the wine. Sparkling wines are produced in most cases with the Martinotti method that rewards their fragrant spontaneity.

I varieties most suited for the production of classic method sparkling are mainly non-aromatic. addition to those mentioned above, other grapes used to produce classic method sparkling wines are Verdicchio in the Marches, the peat in Sardinia, Sicily inzolia and more.

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(the fourth lesson)

the classic method and the method of fermentation in the bottle by the yeast.

Here are all the stages of production:

  • The preparation of wine-based
  • The assembly of wines -The addition of the base
  • liquer de tirage
  • Bottling
  • The foaming
  • Aging on the lees
  • The remuage
  • disgorgement
  • The dosage
  • The final capping
  • The packaging

The preparation of wine-based

It starts from early harvest healthy grapes and because the freshness of sparkling wines are characterized by precisely acids (responsible, inter alia, salivation). The clusters should not be crushed during harvest and transport in the cellar.
one soft pressing, carried out with the membrane presses, stripping and you get the juice that v err then placed in stainless steel tanks where the temperature of about 4 ° C , after the addition of pectolytic enzymes appropriate, decanters for a time that can vary from 16 to 24 hours.
At this point the juice is poured into a second vat, where it was prepared a base of yeast called pied de cuve , to trigger correctly the first fermentation that will transform it into wine- base.
This is a fermentation in white (with no skins), which is held for up to 25-30 days at a temperature of about 18 ° C in steel containers, after the addition of selected yeasts. Why such low temperatures? Because, as mentioned in the previous lesson, working at low temperatures can hold together the fragrance and flavor.

Assembly of wine-based

In the spring, Once the fermentation followed by the traditional practice of racking, clarification and stabilization, is arrive at the decisive moment of the cut, the so-called cuvée, expertly selected and assembled lots of vintage wine, and even from different grape varieties.

If the blend is composed of wines made from grapes of the same vintage (or at least 85%) gives a sparkling vintage el 'vintage can be printed on the label. Very often it is a sparkling top that rests in the cellar for 4-5 years and before disgorging.

If you are also used previous vintages (up to a maximum of 30%) there is a sans année, a sparkling wine that is no indication for a vintage or vintage aging on yeast shorter, usually 2-3 years.

may happen that the blend is prepared with wine is obtained from white grapes or black. In the first case (where you use mostly Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc), sparkling wine called blanc de blancs , ie white wine from white grapes, while the second If we are faced with a blanc de noirs wine, white wine that is produced from black grapes.

Adding liquer de tirage

As mentioned the production of sparkling wines is due to-base, ie dry wines which have already completed their process and in which yeasts have already "eaten" all the sugars present. Now then to trigger the fermentation process again adding the liquer de tirage or a mixture of a bit 'of wine with a precise amount of cane sugar, yeast and mineral :

  • sugar cane is the most commonly used; 4 g / l sugar generate an atmosphere of pressure. To obtain at least 3 atmospheres should provide 12g / l sugar. In fact, if they add more because the excess is lost during the disgorging. Hence the amount of sugar that is sum of 24g / l, to reach the 6 atm ;
  • family of Saccharomyces, strains of yeast most commonly used are the 'ellipsoideus el'oviformis. This is good yeast that are resistant to low temperatures (11 ° - 13 ° C ), because, remember, that all the work of sparkling wine production occurs within of wine! Furthermore, they withstand high pressures and concentrations of alcohol that develop in the bottle. In addition to performing the usual fermentation, these yeasts must encourage the development of a fine mousse and plenty, and be case-sandy deposits from sticking to the walls of the bottle, which would make it very difficult to their ultimate disposal;
  • also added a nitrogen source and ammonium salt in a particular way just because the yeast to grow and riprodursihanno need a constituent of proteins. Sometimes even then they are elle inert substances added to facilitate compaction of lees and facilitate the riddling and disgorgement.
In the case of Satén in Franciacorta 6 atmospheres is reached, but the addition of sugar is about 18g / l that lead to the achievement of a pressure of about 4.5 atmospheres. The result is indeed a sparkling silky, not too aggressive.


After checking that the liquer de tirage it is completely dissolved and blended in the blend, the wine is bottled in the traditional champagne bottles which have specific characteristics:
  • the glass color ranges from dark green to brown to almost black to protect the wine from light;
  • the glass is very thick to withstand the pressure domestic and various processes;
  • the fund is returned to your dome in order to be able to download the high internal pressure.
The bottles are then capped with a crown cap of stainless steel. Under the cap is inserted a cylinder of plastic that bidule used to facilitate the conveyance of the dregs at the end of riddling.

The foaming

Once the bottles are corked part of the foam. The bottles are stacked horizontally in cellars or in temperature-controlled rooms at low and constant temperature of 10 - 12 ° C in the absence of vibration, noise, light and heat and adequate moisture level. He start the fermentation process so after about 6 months.
Question: why the fermentation process takes so much as the amount of sugar to be fermented is little? Because they operate at low temperatures, the fermentation ... very slowly.

The yeasts convert the sugar into carbon dioxide, ethyl alcohol, and many secondary substances that enhance the sparkling flavors.

Aging on the lees

After about six months during fermentation ceases : or the sugar is exhausted, the yeast cells are in an environment unfavorable. The internal pressure is very high and there is a good concentration of ethyl alcohol. Begins at this point the phase of autolysis that is where the sensitive stage of decomposition cell membrane of yeast can no longer resist and breaks.

During this phase, the yeast in sparkling wine return everything they had stolen. The champagne will be enriched with substances with characteristic aromas and tertiary aromas (such as hints of bread crust), which will make it easily recognizable.

This phase of aging (ie maturity) should be long and slow in the darkness and cool of the cellar, because only then you will get fine and persistent bubbles. I n fact, many production rules provide for periods of refinement by 18 months for non-vintage and up to 33 for millesimai , and many manufacturers extend these times of aging in order to create a better quality product, also coming in 7-8 years !!!!!!

course are made for long aging wines: if we can not expect long aging wines used for the assembly have little to give!

During aging the bottles subject to one or two times the "coupe de poignée ( or excavation), which is in giving a kick to the bottle to avoid the dregs from sticking to the wall of the bottle, which makes it difficult to detach and adjust during the downhill remuage.

The remuage

After the phase of aging on the lees the bottles are placed on pupitre , special wooden stands with shaped holes. Lees people need to be "shock" and then you make the remuage Every day the bottles are rotated 1 / 8 of a turn so as to cause separation of the residues yeasts from the walls and their accumulation near the cap, in bidule.

The remuage takes about 1-2 months and eventually the bottles are almost vertical.
This can only be done by hand by the operator, but today they are increasingly used for rotating bins that mimic the manual movement ( giropalette ).
The remuage provides greater mechanical reliability, rationalization of work time and reduce costs.

Once the riddling, the bottles pass the disgorgement, even though they may be stored in the tip, upright and inverted to enhance the development of the wine in contact with the yeast, preventing them from sticking to the walls, how could happen if they were stored horizontally. This stop in hard-edged usually a few months but could take years.


And here comes the time of disgorgement (French dégorgement ), namely to remove the lees. In the past this was done à la volleys namely the skillful winemaker, straightened up the bottle so as to coincide the release of the stopper in the neck with the arrival of the air bubble contained within, the lees were so expelled outside the bubble.
Today there is a method à la glace much more rational. Each bottle is placed on a conveyor belt and placed in special machines which comes from a saturated solution of salts at very low temperatures (-28 / - 30 ° C ) going to affect only the outer part of the neck where there is the dregs. The travel speed of the tape is calculated so that at the end of the course, which lasts just over a minute, has formed a cylinder of ice of an inch, which includes the wine and the lees in compacted bidule .
At this point, the crown cap is removed , the internal pressure is very high as to eject the ice, leaving the wine clear !!!!!!!

The dosage

During disgorgement, because of the pressure will be lost approximately 5 - 10 mm liquid and for this reason during the next phase, adding the liqueur d'expédition whose recipe is kept secret from any manufacturer. A little 'wine aged a bit' of sugar cane, sometimes a few drops of distilled spirits, mixed according to the type of product you want.
With this step the company that gives a characteristic "footprint" to its own sparkling wine.
NB: the initial sugar was all eaten by the yeast during fermentation. Then, the residual sugar that comes in your mouth when sipping our champagne, this is of liquer espedition added in the final phase prior to capping.

According to the sugar content then you are going to decide the term of the sparkling wine:


Residual sugar (g / l)
Pas dosé
Extra gross
Extra Gross
Sec Secco o Dry
Demi-sec o Abboccato
Dolce Sweet
> 50

If you do not make any dosage, the product is called pas dose.

Once you add the liqueur d'expédition, the bottles are refilled with a small addition of the same wine, so the level is equal in every bottle is identical and also the amount of air trapped under the cap.

Curiosity : if we look at the table we see that in some places there is an overlap, ie if our sparkling wine has a residual sugar of 13g / s we face is that at a Brut Extra Dry and then? How do you solve this? The answer is now on .... In fact, if the sugar content of the product justifies the use of two of the terms listed, the manufacturer may choose between them.

The final capping

After the operation of the dosage bottle is capped with the cap mushroom cork. Originally cylindrical, these plugs take the characteristic mushroom shape after compression suffered in the neck of the bottle, as well as the restraining effect of the cage of wire that holds the cap tightly, and the overlying metal cap.

Want to know how accurately you open a bottle of champagne? Then watch this video where our friendly AIS director, Thomas Luongo explains all the steps.


The bottles are washed, dried and made to turn upon themselves in order to perfectly mix the syrup dosing. Before being sent to the shipment, the bottles stay longer at rest in a temperature-controlled cellar.

companies reported more serious in the back label the date of disgorgement that buyers can be a guarantee of freshness. The shelf life of a sparkling wine, in fact, should be up to 2 years from the date of disgorgement. ... and now there's an example: we have a vintage 1994 vintage with 2004 years of disgorgement, which means that the aging on the lees lasted 10 years, but if the year of disgorgement was 1997 will mean that this sparkling wine has been around a lot longer on the market. What does this mean? There is a risk that you spend a lot of money and then realize at the time of tasting, the bottle is not cha been preserved well !!!!!!

I leave you with a nice video summary of the traditional method

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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THE IMAGE OF THREE FOUND Chopin? Umberto Galimberti

of the great Polish composer, there are two images, the first of which is a copy. The third (left) was found by a gallery owner. Here is the article published by Corriere della Sera:

An unpublished photo of Frederic Chopin, forgotten for more than centosessant'anni and torn from the Scottish mists from an indomitable Polish dealer? The experts are at work in Poland to verify the authenticity of the daguerreotype discovered by the collector Wladyslaw Zuchowski, convinced that they possess the third "step" never seen the great composer born in 1810 in Zelazowa Wola, near Warsaw, and died in exile in 1849 in Paris, at just 39 years. Snapshot the romantic genius lifeless, which raises doubts and mystery already. The photo was circulated by some Polish sites. 1849 is the date engraved on the image with a name, Louis-Auguste Bisson, French photographer author of the already known two photographs (one was lost during the Second World War but there are reproductions). FOOTSTEPS Alliance - "The daguerreotype must have been made in the Parisian church of La Maddalena, where the body was moved shortly after Chopin's death," says Zuchowski, who owns a gallery in Gdansk, determined to keep secret the circumstances of discovery. We know only that the image is reappearance in Scotland, where he was perhaps arrived in the footsteps of Jane Stirling, a young Scottish student of Chopin that was near the last period plagued by illness, financial hardship and the end eternal love with George Sand. Renovated in London, the photograph does not convince Alicja Knast, curator of the Museum of Warsaw Frederic Chopin: there are no sources that speak of an image over Scotland. "None of the people who watched over the body of Chopin for three days in Paris, he never referred to a daguerreotype that would have required hours of work," adds Steven Lagerberg, author of Chopin's Heart: The Quest to Identify the Mysterious Illness of the World's Most Beloved Composer. And Malgorzata Grabczewska, photography expert of the Polish Library in Paris, said that the signing of Bisson and date will not appear on the two real pictures, and use up those circulating in the booming market of fakes. Zuchowski announces that the image will be on display from May to Gdansk. The Chopin all over the world are waiting. Maria Serena Christmas] An unpublished photo of Frederic Chopin, forgotten for more than centosessant'anni and torn from the Scottish mists from an indomitable Polish dealer? The experts are at work in Poland to verify the authenticity of the daguerreotype discovered by the collector Wladyslaw Zuchowski, convinced that they possess the third "step" never seen the great composer born in 1810 in Zelazowa Wola near Warsaw, in 1849 and died in exile in Paris, at just 39 years. A snapshot of the romantic genius lifeless, and is already raising doubts mystery. The photo was circulated by some Polish sites. 1849 is the date engraved on the image with a name, Louis-Auguste Bisson, French photographer author of the already known two photographs (one was lost during the Second World War but there are reproductions).

FOOTSTEPS Alliance - "The daguerreotype must have been made in the Parisian church of La Maddalena, where the body was moved shortly after Chopin's death," says Zuchowski, who owns a gallery in Gdansk, decided to keep the secret circumstances of discovery. We know only that the image is reappearance in Scotland, where he arrived probably in the footsteps of Jane Stirling, a young Scottish student of Chopin that was near the last period plagued by illness, financial hardship and the eternal order of ' love with George Sand. Renovated in London, the photograph does not convince Alicja Knast, curator of the Museum of Warsaw Frederic Chopin: there are no sources that speak of an image over Scotland. "None of the people who watched over the body of Chopin for three days in Paris, he never referred to a daguerreotype that would have required hours of work," adds Steven Lagerberg, author of Chopin's Heart: The Quest to Identify the Mysterious Illness of the World's Most Beloved Composer. And Malgorzata Grabczewska, expert photography of Polish Library in Paris, said that the signing of Bisson and date will not appear on the two real pictures, and use up those circulating in the booming market of fakes. Zuchowski announces that the image will be on display from May to Gdansk. The Chopin all over the world are waiting.

Maria Serena Christmas

Armi San Marco 12 Ga. 3 Ch.


The sparkling wine is a product that has a regulatory scheme that itself is not considered as the other wines.

"sparkling wine is Product

a) is obtained by first or second alcoholic fermentation:
- of fresh grapes,
- ; grape,
- wine
b) which, uncapping the container, carbon dioxide derived exclusively from fermentation;

c ) and kept at a temperature of 20 ° C in closed containers, has an excess pressure of not less than 3 bar due to carbon dioxide in solution

d) for which the license total strength of the matches (cuvées) intended for their preparation is not less than 8.5% "

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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6 lessons are back ..... I know I know I have to recover ... Tomorrow will publish lesson on sparkling very, very interesting ... In the meantime I've read this "delicious" article ... taken from

5 instructions for using the sommelier at a top restaurant

"The concept of a sommelier is consubstantial with that of a major restaurant . rephrase to avoid dismissal, a top restaurant with no figure to deal with the drinks is sad. You do not need to have before the intergalactic sample of the Penguins, just someone who is competent, communicative and relaxed, able to speak but also listen and above all smile. I have already ruled out 49% of the professionals but the majority is with me (cited). For technical reasons we divide the customers of haute cuisine restaurants in two categories - casual and affectionate - dedicating our questionable "instructions" who does not know how to behave in front of the sommelier you saddled his personal wine Treccani abandoned to utter despair.
1) The sommelier is at your service, and not vice versa. Let them know what you like, what you spend, if you think you understand or not. Do not feel intimidated, you have nothing else to do in life rather than fill your head with labels like he does. This thing must be very clear (the sommelier).
2) Always look for a path of wines by the glass. is the best way to drink well and appreciate the philosophy of the proposed spending relatively little. I prefer this solution in every case, it is functional, fun and guaranteed. Each room has its own lists and prices, you can also reach the top 70-90 € for the whole tasting. A top restaurant without tasting by the glass is less top. Then there is the Enoteca Pinchiorri, but that's another sport.
3) Browse through more carefully the wine . You can not understand anything but when a text is ordered has meaning regardless of the cards of the wines made Modino facilitate the approach. Those who think well, writes well. If you have an annotated list for areas, styles or whatever, you probably want to send something even if you and Jordan Gaja wines are equal. If the criterion of exposure is in alphabetical order, order water.
4) Leave it alone if you are inspired to sommelier. The impression skin applies to everyone, including the "Penguin". The first quality is to be empathy, get in touch with customer needs and understand that the wine pairings-person is just as important as the wine-food matching. If the sommelier is nasty, hasty, pedantic, sborone , snooty, is the best way to educating diplomas satisfying *** Arlo and make of your head, choose a bottle that you know or fishing fantasy. This is also an experience.
5) Beware of anyone who you serving wine without a word . It's called "service" part of the enjoyment of wine and is confronted with those who suggest it to you uncork-versa. The cook is in the kitchen and talk with the dishes, who works in the room should speak with the customer. Provided you have something to say.

I do not have it with the sommelier at all. Should be a part of a lust, but too often they are not. Be one of the most beautiful in the world without being involved is a cardinal sin that we must not commit "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oscars Chocolate Mould

CI falling back! Suze

this time a copy filsofo Romanian!
(from Dagospia, er mejo site ever!)
Costica Bradatan (Texas Tech University, USA) for " "

To some extent, plagiarism is more of an art to be admired than a vice. If it is a vice, is one of those flaws forgivable, benign, even a little '' virtuous, 'so to speak. Above all, the plagiarist is a man in love with the beauty of words (ie, the words of others), "struck" by it so irresistible. Moreover, one can say that he is not really a villain, but rather a victim. If there's guilt in all this, the culprit is the same text plagiarized. Similarly, in some Islamic legal systems, in cases of rape, is almost always the woman who is convicted of incitement to rape.
Leaving the joke, you can ask if the plagiarism is art to admire, what exactly is "wrong" in it? Why condemn the plagiarist? For the simple reason that plagiarism is a bad thing because it is an act of "love" always accompanied by betrayal. At the limit, the plagiarist should be only a scribe. The craft of the plagiarist is not to write, but write. When the original text is changed, translated or "improved," then becomes a mere plagiarist thief of words.
In order not to remain in the abstract, I would give you an example: as you can see below, some steps of the sacred Orme. Christianity and the desecration of the sacred Umberto Galimberti (Feltrinelli, 2000) are greedily "borrowed," so to speak, from the book Six diseases of the contemporary spirit, written in the seventies by a little-known philosopher, Romania, Constantin Noice, translated into Italian by Marco Cugno and published by Mill in 1993. Most important, the book Galimberti is never mention the name of noice or his book.
First of all, Galimberti is capable of incredible admiration. He is a player so in love that long passages of the book Noice are "transferred" in his book. Some pieces are simply delicious. For example:
Noice: 'The sky is sick. The ancients believed the stars and in the incorruptibility of the celestial spheres (as I believe in the incorruptibility of God). But Galileo's telescope was to demonstrate the shortcomings of the moon that his contemporary Cremonini refused to see, and now it seems that we have come to identify disease galactic. Hidden in the cosmos is a worm. "(P. 50)
Galimberti," Even the sky is sick. The ancients believed in the incorruptibility of the celestial spheres, as I believe in the incorruptibility of God. But Galileo's telescope was to show the imperfections of the moon that his contemporaries did not want to see. Today it has come to identify disease galactic. Hidden in the cosmos is a worm. "(P. 48) Umberto Galimberti
And again
Noice:" The light is ill. Goethe believed still in his prime, protesting against Newton, who considered it a mixture of seven colors, and therefore unclean. [... The light] was also measured [...] the light is cracked internally, being both particle and wave. How many diseases in a simple ray of light "(p. 50)
Galimberti," Even the light is sick. Goethe believed still in his prime, and therefore protested that Newton considered a mixture of seven colors, and then impure. Then the light was measured [...] is cracked internally, being both particle and wave. Too many diseases in a simple beam of light. "(P. 48)
really a great art to admire! I've never seen a player so in love: There really are no differences between the two authors. The comparison can continue almost to the same extent: Noice says, "[the] [...] Life is ill, with its uncertainties and approximations [...] It appeared that the contemporary biologists, for which the result of the case turned into a necessity, a kind of swelling on the cross ...?» (p. 50)
Galimberti said: "Although life is sick with approximations and uncertainties reported by contemporary biology, for whom life is a simple lump of matter, the case turned into a necessity. "(p. 48) And here
Noice says," is sick, the Logos, which is manifestly broken in natural languages \u200b\u200b... when it should bring itself, as its name says, the unity of reason. "(p. 50-51)
Galimberti said:" Sick is also the logos when broken into regional languages \u200b\u200bshould bring with them, such as its name, the unity of reason. "(p. 48) Umberto Galimberti
Or here:
Noice: '... even the weather, the absolute time, homogeneous [...] uniform and was less impressive, from the moment it became a simple local time, or time integral with the space, while the space itself is transformed, in turn, by order of universal coexistence of things [...] in a sort of regional reality ... "(p. 50)
Galimberti:" The time is ill. The absolute time, homogeneous, revealed herself even less impressive as it is now simple local time, weather and solidarity with the space, which in turn is reduced to mere co-existence of things, sometimes at the regional reality ... "( p. 48)
However, meeting the following steps, we begin to get a little 'disenchanted with the art of Galib. In a few moments the admiration of the master seems a bit 'hesitant and uncertain at this time he begins to change the original text and everything is going to be compromised. For example:
Noice says, "The gods have turned sick. After creating a world short of expectations, some of them have withdrawn becoming gods otiosi [...], others, however, have mixed too much in human affairs [...] The gods are sick. "(Pp. 49 -50)
Umberto Galimberti Galimberti says, "... the stars are ill. After watching over a world short of expectations, some of them have retired stars becoming idle, while others are are mixed too to human affairs [...] The stars are sick. "(p. 48)
" The stars' noice become "gods" in the text Galimberti. Not much, it's true, but it is enough to signal an imminent act of treason. A plagiarist decent (the only plagiarist forgivable) must always be a scribe, without personal contributions, without ambition, nothing. And finally, here's the betrayal: the point where the lover of words of others becomes their thief. Of all the admiration is not nothing left but traces of a rape
Noice says: "But if all the major entities are sick [...] and if the culture is to show their constitutional diseases such as non- about diseases being? "(p. 51)
Galimberti says:" But if all the major entities are sick and if the culture is to show their illnesses as constitutional, with what eyes we can still look up to heaven? "( p. 48-49)
Certainly, there is nothing original in this' accusation of plagiarism; Galimberti over the last few years has been accused of plagiarizing, among others, Giulia Sissa, Alida Cresti, Salvatore Natoli. Every time he gets caught, he apologizes, is justified (it is only "a clerical error," he forgot "to enter the inverted commas" etc, etc) and become the lawyers busy. But then you forget everything and start all over again. Why? Who knows? However, plagiarism Noice works as a "smoking gun." Umberto Galimberti
Galimberti reviewed the book on the Republic of Noice (August 2, 2001), review and re-published in his book The Deadly Sins and new vices (Feltrinelli, 2003). Obviously, in this case, the convenient excuse - that is, that he has forgotten to "put the inverted commas" and make mention of the name of his book or noice) when it incorporated in the review of the sacred Orme - not true at all. Footsteps of the sacred was published one year before the review. Prior to plagiarize, then ricensiamo.
As the friendly defense of Gianni Vattimo ("Philosophy is to copy ') is funny, but unfortunately, nothing more. If he was right, the Xerox Corporation is the largest of the philosophers.
Finally, there is something particularly ironic in all this business of plagiarism. As is known, in some population groups in Italy, is the widespread stereotype that Romanians are all thieves. Almost everyone, it can be said now. Some are also victims. Victims of the words thieves.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Minnie 3rd Birthday Wording

by Dagospia

FOREVER YOUNG - YOU SUZANNE ROLL OFF, YOU ALWAYS FOR THE VERY YOUNG GIRL That narrows to a cold DYLAN IN HISTORICAL cover of "The Freewheelin '" - SHE WAS JUST 17 years old, DAUGHTER OF ITALIAN ORIGIN OF COMMON TO INSERT the bitter COUNTERCULTURE BOB IN THE HEART OF NEW YORK - REMEMBER DYLAN: "How many nights I spent CUTE to write songs and then show and asked: 'Is that all right? "' ...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Catchy Referral Cards

....... finally I did it before bottling

Mamma mia !!!!!!!!!! I'm late monstrous compared to my table to start. I'm so sorry, but lately I'm doing a thousand things and unfortunately updating the blog suffers. However this week I learned, thanks to my friend Fabio, to include bookmarks in a post, in fact, if you go to post the first lesson, the consultation will now be more simple .... I'm making progress!

They are also very happy because two great blog which Luciano Pignataro and Wine Blog divining have included among their sights even my little blog!! These are rewards ...

But getting back to us. During the third lesson we have discussed with Frank Martusciello wine, winemaker of the famous firm of Grotta del Sole Campi Flegrei.

What Does Abnormal Esr Mean

(third class)

The wine must be bottled before the clarification treatments at low temperatures, with bentonite and gelatin, followed by filtration accurate.

The coarse filtration remove the bigger particles, the rinse and separate even the smallest ones hold even sterilizing microorganisms (the nasty bacteria!) Making the wine perfectly clear.

is increasingly common to read the writing on the label "wine unfiltered" . There are many wine makers who choose not to filter the wine, thus leaving unchanged the set of colors, scents and flavors. I this case the bottom of the bottle will find small particles, but these will not affect in any way, the goodness of wine !!!!!!!

To make the wine more lively or to correct any defects, sometimes account for a fermentation, adding a little 'fresh must in addition to the yeasts that make start fermentation.

As regards the pasteurization it is used mostly for common wines. The treated wine is stable in terms of enzymatic and microbiological testing, but limited in aromatic expressions.

are also many other fixes that are done ... ..

Signs My Dental Implant Is Failing


(third class)

Bottling for maximum stability. To avoid contact with the air and the consequent problems of oxidation and browning fillers are used with with accessories, just prior to capping, blowing inert gases such as nitrogen, which do not interfere with the scent and flavor of wine.

Ageing, held in bottles stoppered with cork where there is practically no exchange of oxygen, is a phenomenon of reduction, that is the opposite of oxidation. During this period, which can range from one day a few years, the wine is more, slow changes, reaching the highest point in its evolution. After aging the bottles are ready for market.

Kates Playground The Rabbit Vid


(third class)

After alcoholic fermentation, as mentioned earlier, the manufacturer may decide whether or no malolactic fermentation. After which the wine undergoes and stabilizing treatment to a period of maturation , which can last a few months in steel containers or fiberglass , or one or more years in wooden barrels . In other cases, the wine spent a period in steel then finished its maturation in wood.

must say though that the steel makes it a bit 'mistress, because it is an inert material (does not interact with the wine) and is put up because, thanks to the spaces that surround the containers, the temperature is easily adjustable.

For wines drunk young the (mostly white and rose red but also ready to drink), played on the vivid colors, the freshness of the perfume on the immediacy the impact of taste, ripening a single stage, to be performed with a stop in steel containers, Fiberglass or concrete vitrified. In these cases, the wine is bottled in the spring after the vintage year, after stabilization treatments and perfect rinse filtration, which removes the yeast and all the particles in suspension.

If important wines, intended for longer life, an initial phase of elevation, which takes place in wood (barrels or barrels), followed by aging, that takes place in the bottle.
The end result of this process are two very different products than just drained, the consequences of deep changes in the coloring and aroma constituents.
Underlying these changes is a first oxidation process (ie, oxygenation), which characterizes the stage of maturation: oxygen in the air comes into contact with the wine during decanting and treatments, and also through the wooden containers (barrels and barrels).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Means The Seventh Circle


(tert per lesson)
A rose wine can be achieved both from the vinification of white grapes red fruit is fermented with their skins, but with very short maceration. In the latter case, the grapes, de-stemmed and crushed, they remain in the tanks for 24-36 hours in this period is undertaking one or two replacements. Then be released and the juice is fermented at low temperature, following the same procedure as for whites.
Rosé wines have organoleptic characteristics similar to most white wines and delicate aromas and flavors are fresh

Lorena Herrera Is A Guy

carbonic maceration

(third class)
Those who call vin primeur in France (the most notable of which is the Beaujolais nouveau ) and We were baptized novel, are the result of a particular technique of carbonic maceration vinification.

But let's see how to produce a novel:

boxes of whole grapes are not crushed tanks poured into saturated with carbon dioxide for a period from 5 to 10 days to about 30 ° C . In this situation triggers a fermentation inside the berry ( intracellular fermentation) and form a series of aromas that are reminiscent of wild berries, found a bit 'in all the novel thanks to this type of fermentation. The yeasts are added later.
At the end of carbonic maceration, the grapes are removed from the tanks and crushed. The fermentation is then rapidly (2-4 days) followed by draining and stabilization operations.

The result of this technique are wines that have rich, vivid colors, vinous, floral and fruity, fresh and delicate tannins not suitable for aging.

The entire cycle lasts a month or so, just because the novel has to be ready for sale starting Nov. 6. In Italy, the novel can be produced with any grape, also here with us that the novel is called even if not made of 100% with carbonic maceration, and even if done with 70% of wine from the previous year.

We realized at once that these are all tricks to 'clean up' a bit of wine!

Alice In Wonderland Cake Ideas

I had some problems with this post, in fact, I first deleted and then I re-inserted again!

A little patience, I still do not understand exactly how bloggers ....

And here we finally got guys !!!!!!!! These days I have been (and still am actually) a little affected and that is why it took me a while before posting my third post.

Then ..... impressions on the first lesson ...... well I would say positive.
The lesson began with about 40 minutes late but it is understandable given that everyone had to register and then there are always stragglers !!!!! Just fill in the registration form they handed me a heavy bag (like a laptop port) with in two books, a notebook for tasting and three glasses ISO .

Enter the room and see all those benches covered with white tablecloths made me go back in time when I went to the hotel management school on Saturday and did the exercises lounge bar .... what memories! !
Luckily I found on the first bank (luckily else who saw nothing .. hihihi) next to a cute girl and after a few minutes, the lesson began.

to welcome us was very nice Thomas Luongo (Provincial Delegate AIS), who also presented the AIS squad Naples.

The word is then passed to Nicole Gargiulo, President of AIS Campania, pepper and any woman with extraordinary communication skills, which, as usual, gave the first lesson.

Nicoletta made us feel at home among other things called for giving "tu" at all because that is how you do in the family AIS ...

But let us. For help with reading the post I created a list of topics:

  1. Presentazione Ais

·          Fondazione
·          Organigramma

  1. The figure of the sommelier

  1. types of bottles

  1. The cap

  1. Tools of the sommelier
· The decanter
·          Il tappo stopper
·          Il termometro
·          Il secchiello



The birth of the founding AIS (Italian Sommeliers Association) is largely thanks to Professor Gianfranco Botti, a biologist and Milan. Botti played several businesses but, more importantly, was a refined gourmet and lover of good taste. This initiative was supported by Jean Valenti, estimated sommelier of French origin, known in Italy by the Commendatore Angelo Pozzi to work in his famous restaurant, Savini " in the Galleria in Milan. Gianfranco Botti and Jean Valenti, they noticed gaps in the service of wines in Italian restaurants and mature so the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping the sommelier profession, with the main aim of extending knowledge and appreciation of Italian wine. And here July 7, 1965 together with the accountant and the waiter Leonardo Guerra Ernesto Rossi founded the Ais.

the early twenty members "fans" of 1965, passed in one year, to 70, ten years later, in 1975, 1400, to become 4325 in 1985, then 13,000 in 1996 and 2010 only 36,000 well in Italy .


National President : Antonello Maietta

Executive Committee : consisting of 9 members including 6 professional and 3 amateur sommelier

National Council : composed of the National Chairman, Executive Committee and all regional presidents

Provincial Delegates


social categories

Aspiring sommeliers : like me

Sommelier : as mentioned previously, upon completion of Level III is the final exam. Once you become a sommelier to pass all the way!

Professional Sommelier : in reality there is no difference between a sommelier and a professional sommelier. Basically can ask to "become" a professional sommelier who works in the field of wine for at least one year of having:
  • teacher theoretical and / or technical practical exercises room and bar, in schools or in the hotel hotel training schools in the state, and regional schools
  • owner or employee of the establishment open to the public in which it is sold, advised and / or serving wine (such as wine bars, wine bars, wineries)
  • self-employed

It 'clear that the simple question is not enough, but the aspiring professional sommelier must prove the existence of the conditions listed above by the submission to the GEN (National Executive Committee ) of a series of documents and certifications. Who is a professional sommelier wears a golden brooch.

Official Taster : the official taster is a sommelier who attended the specific course and passed the difficult exam. As explained by Nicoletta Gargiulo, you can not expect the examination of groped for taster immediately after obtaining the certificate as a sommelier. You should first accumulate a little 'experience!

Rapporteur: The rapporteur sommelier at least one year, official taster, he attended the preparatory course communication and planning and has passed the special exam. The rapporteur, to be more clear, he holds lessons.

Commissioner examination : I think it's clear what an examination ... .. Commissioner J

requirements of a professional sommelier
Knowledge of service, serving temperature, food and wine pairing techniques, tasting techniques, knowledge of world wine and viticulture , knowledge of food

A very useful advice that Nicole has given us is to be curious : open the sideboard of the grandmother and smell the cumin, cinnamon , Ginger ... .. because if our mind does not "learn" these smells, then it will be very difficult to find and recognize these same scents in a glass of wine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

personal requirements of a sommelier

Obviously, a good sommelier should possess, besides the professional features of human qualities such as: education, kindness, humility, elegance, precision, self-control, diplomacy, psychology.

The gift of humility is not common at all. ... And alas, said Nicole, the world is full of AIS wine snob and especially aspiring sommeliers are! People already think that after a few lessons to be connoisseurs of wine !!!!!!!!

We also have some self-control because, unfortunately, also among the customers of a restaurant or a wine-bar hiding wine snob .
is not uncommon to be in the situation where a customer, perhaps to feel cool against his partner, begin to prattle on and say "this wine is corked." Now is certainly not a good sommelier will argue and say "look I have the best of his nose," but will respond with much self-control "in any case, change the bottle."

That "all" should have a much deeper meaning because it is as if the sommelier said "it's true or not that the wine corked, I still return to the bottle" .

A good sommelier must also be a bit 'psychologist and understand immediately what kind of customer's plate. It is a person who spends a lot or a little? The embarrassment if I suggest a wine from € 150 per bottle? ... ..


There are many types of bottles. There will propose here a few:

(1) high-shouldered Bordeaux (or goliath) : it takes its name from the area surrounding the city of Bordeaux. Initially used for aging wines (the shoulder is very pronounced it to counter the leakage of deposits when you decant the wine), now is probably the most bottle used for both red to white. There is also the Bordeaux small (2) very common for sweet wines.

(3) Champagne: This is the typical bottle of sparkling wine or champagne. Its shape is similar to borognona. It is usually dark green or black to protect the wine from light. Furthermore, glass of champagne is more often than other bottles because they must withstand high internal pressures caused by carbon dioxide.
There is also the C hampagnotta cuvée (4), intended generally to products of particular prestige and class, as a large champagne, sparkling wines and vintages.

(5) Alsatian and Rhine: the Rhine Valley and the original 'used mainly for white wines. The lack of shoulder near the neck is a function of the fact that the types of wine that is used does not provide for the formation of deposits on the bottom.

(6) Marsala : used for wines of Marsala. Typically, the glass is dark brown or black

(7) Albeisa : it is the home of Alba (Piemonte-Langhe). E 'dark glass and a conical-cylindrical and is used mostly for the great Piedmontese wines like Barolo, Barbaresco and Nebbiolo d'Alba

(8) Burgundy or Burgundy : Borgone born in the realm of Pinot Noir grape variety which gives many stores. He has a very soft and smooth with no shoulders. E 'is used for white to red. E 'glass is usually dark green or dried green leaves.

(9) Bocksbeutel or Pulcianella : was born in Franconia for the Blauburgunder (German name for Pinot Noir). Uniquely shaped and rounded.

(10) Port: this bottle is used for the bottling of wines, ports and other fortified products in the Iberian Peninsula as Sherry and Madeira. Its shape is cylindrical, not very tall, with shoulders and rather pronounced. E 'often green.

Hungarian: u reusable labels for Tokaji of Hungary and its capacity is 0.500. The glass is colorless


The cap is the soul of wine because the wine breathes through the cork, especially when it comes to wines that are refined over time and age.

All great wines (those for tasting after 5-10 years) are closed with corks. Marketing we can find four types of caps: the natural one-piece, the natural agglomeration, one composed of discs of natural cork and agglomerated and finally the mixture to areas of natural cork.

Then there are plastic caps that, by not "breathe" the wine, are suitable for wines to be drunk young.


The Tastevin (Model Borgognone)

E ' tasting a cup with a handle shaped ring on which there is a finger rest. Your use of Tastevin is disused and is now more than anything else, a symbol of this noble profession. The IDA has adopted as its badge of recognition.

Tastevin find the center of the convex bubble level which should never be exceeded by the wine that will be paid. The 14 beads around the bubble level serve to aerate the wine more quickly. On the left side with respect to the handle bears a series of 8 pearls falling that are concave and are used for visual examination of the red wines, which are notoriously less transparent. On the right side are arranged 17 hollow ribs which stand out the color and clarity of white wines.

The Corkscrew

the market there are several models of corkscrew, but what is the common professional lever corkscrew

The corkscrew lever consists of a ergonomic grip handle at the center of which is inserted a spiral long pointed around 6 cm that will be inserted in the center of the cap (the spiral is also called "worm ).

At one end of the handle are on the one hand blade boxcutter that will be used to cut and remove the aluminum cap, by 'the other side lever that can occur at 1 or 2 notches: the model allows extraction of the cap 2 notches less tiring and more effective to run in two steps.

The wine basket

is used by the sommelier to carry a bottle, which has undergone a special aging so as to generate possible sediment . The bottle is kept tilted so as to prevent sediment from escaping across the volume. It then proceeds with decanting.

The Decanter

is used both to separate the solids (sediments) from the liquid (wine) of very old wines, both young wines.

Take for example a Taurasi in 2006 (year that is currently being submitted). Well this is a young wine, the scent still closed, he needs time to gain complexity and richness. If we pour the wine from the bottle into the glass the wine will be very aggressive, you should then make a quick decanting so as to ensure a degree of oxygenation.

The clamp

The gripper can be used for the uncorking of bottles of sparkling wine in which the cap is particularly resistant and will not come off the neck of the bottle. Although this should be opened by Nicoletta a bottle without the aid of the clamp with your hand because you can better control the release of the cap, while the caliper to check the "pop" (to be avoided) is more difficult.

Stopper Stopper

is used when we need to close a bottle of champagne.
This accessory allows you to keep for a short period the effervescence of the wine because the spring which is fitted to ensure the maintenance of internal pressure. E 'cmq clear that a bottle of sparkling wine can remain open for up to one day !!!!!!

The thermometer

The thermometer reading should be quickly inserted into the tasting glass. To be avoided by measuring the temperature of the wine by placing the thermometer directly into the neck of the bottle. This is due to hygienic reasons and practical, because the wine poured into the glass has a temperature higher than that in the bottle. There is also a type of liquid crystal thermometer, which is to wrap the bottle and quickly reveals the temperature.

The bucket

The ice bucket, also called Seau at Glace, has two functions: to cool rapidly the temperature of the bottle or keep cool.