this time a copy filsofo Romanian!
(from Dagospia, er mejo site ever!)
Costica Bradatan (Texas Tech University, USA) for " "
Leaving the joke, you can ask if the plagiarism is art to admire, what exactly is "wrong" in it? Why condemn the plagiarist? For the simple reason that plagiarism is a bad thing because it is an act of "love" always accompanied by betrayal. At the limit, the plagiarist should be only a scribe. The craft of the plagiarist is not to write, but write. When the original text is changed, translated or "improved," then becomes a mere plagiarist thief of words.
In order not to remain in the abstract, I would give you an example: as you can see below, some steps of the sacred Orme. Christianity and the desecration of the sacred Umberto Galimberti (Feltrinelli, 2000) are greedily "borrowed," so to speak, from the book Six diseases of the contemporary spirit, written in the seventies by a little-known philosopher, Romania, Constantin Noice, translated into Italian by Marco Cugno and published by Mill in 1993. Most important, the book Galimberti is never mention the name of noice or his book.
First of all, Galimberti is capable of incredible admiration. He is a player so in love that long passages of the book Noice are "transferred" in his book. Some pieces are simply delicious. For example:
Noice: 'The sky is sick. The ancients believed the stars and in the incorruptibility of the celestial spheres (as I believe in the incorruptibility of God). But Galileo's telescope was to demonstrate the shortcomings of the moon that his contemporary Cremonini refused to see, and now it seems that we have come to identify disease galactic. Hidden in the cosmos is a worm. "(P. 50)
Galimberti," Even the sky is sick. The ancients believed in the incorruptibility of the celestial spheres, as I believe in the incorruptibility of God. But Galileo's telescope was to show the imperfections of the moon that his contemporaries did not want to see. Today it has come to identify disease galactic. Hidden in the cosmos is a worm. "(P. 48) Umberto Galimberti
And again
Noice:" The light is ill. Goethe believed still in his prime, protesting against Newton, who considered it a mixture of seven colors, and therefore unclean. [... The light] was also measured [...] the light is cracked internally, being both particle and wave. How many diseases in a simple ray of light "(p. 50)
Galimberti," Even the light is sick. Goethe believed still in his prime, and therefore protested that Newton considered a mixture of seven colors, and then impure. Then the light was measured [...] is cracked internally, being both particle and wave. Too many diseases in a simple beam of light. "(P. 48)
really a great art to admire! I've never seen a player so in love: There really are no differences between the two authors. The comparison can continue almost to the same extent: Noice says, "[the] [...] Life is ill, with its uncertainties and approximations [...] It appeared that the contemporary biologists, for which the result of the case turned into a necessity, a kind of swelling on the cross ...?» (p. 50)
Galimberti said: "Although life is sick with approximations and uncertainties reported by contemporary biology, for whom life is a simple lump of matter, the case turned into a necessity. "(p. 48) And here
Noice says," is sick, the Logos, which is manifestly broken in natural languages \u200b\u200b... when it should bring itself, as its name says, the unity of reason. "(p. 50-51)
Galimberti said:" Sick is also the logos when broken into regional languages \u200b\u200bshould bring with them, such as its name, the unity of reason. "(p. 48) Umberto Galimberti
Or here:
Noice: '... even the weather, the absolute time, homogeneous [...] uniform and was less impressive, from the moment it became a simple local time, or time integral with the space, while the space itself is transformed, in turn, by order of universal coexistence of things [...] in a sort of regional reality ... "(p. 50)
Galimberti:" The time is ill. The absolute time, homogeneous, revealed herself even less impressive as it is now simple local time, weather and solidarity with the space, which in turn is reduced to mere co-existence of things, sometimes at the regional reality ... "( p. 48)
However, meeting the following steps, we begin to get a little 'disenchanted with the art of Galib. In a few moments the admiration of the master seems a bit 'hesitant and uncertain at this time he begins to change the original text and everything is going to be compromised. For example:
Noice says, "The gods have turned sick. After creating a world short of expectations, some of them have withdrawn becoming gods otiosi [...], others, however, have mixed too much in human affairs [...] The gods are sick. "(Pp. 49 -50)
Umberto Galimberti Galimberti says, "... the stars are ill. After watching over a world short of expectations, some of them have retired stars becoming idle, while others are are mixed too to human affairs [...] The stars are sick. "(p. 48)
" The stars' noice become "gods" in the text Galimberti. Not much, it's true, but it is enough to signal an imminent act of treason. A plagiarist decent (the only plagiarist forgivable) must always be a scribe, without personal contributions, without ambition, nothing. And finally, here's the betrayal: the point where the lover of words of others becomes their thief. Of all the admiration is not nothing left but traces of a rape
Noice says: "But if all the major entities are sick [...] and if the culture is to show their constitutional diseases such as non- about diseases being? "(p. 51)
Galimberti says:" But if all the major entities are sick and if the culture is to show their illnesses as constitutional, with what eyes we can still look up to heaven? "( p. 48-49)
Certainly, there is nothing original in this' accusation of plagiarism; Galimberti over the last few years has been accused of plagiarizing, among others, Giulia Sissa, Alida Cresti, Salvatore Natoli. Every time he gets caught, he apologizes, is justified (it is only "a clerical error," he forgot "to enter the inverted commas" etc, etc) and become the lawyers busy. But then you forget everything and start all over again. Why? Who knows? However, plagiarism Noice works as a "smoking gun." Umberto Galimberti
Galimberti reviewed the book on the Republic of Noice (August 2, 2001), review and re-published in his book The Deadly Sins and new vices (Feltrinelli, 2003). Obviously, in this case, the convenient excuse - that is, that he has forgotten to "put the inverted commas" and make mention of the name of his book or noice) when it incorporated in the review of the sacred Orme - not true at all. Footsteps of the sacred was published one year before the review. Prior to plagiarize, then ricensiamo.
As the friendly defense of Gianni Vattimo ("Philosophy is to copy ') is funny, but unfortunately, nothing more. If he was right, the Xerox Corporation is the largest of the philosophers.
Finally, there is something particularly ironic in all this business of plagiarism. As is known, in some population groups in Italy, is the widespread stereotype that Romanians are all thieves. Almost everyone, it can be said now. Some are also victims. Victims of the words thieves.
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