(third class)
First question: what grapes used to produce a white wine?
can be used both white grapes and red wine because the color is given from the skins and pulp! So we can make wine in red grape white also immediately remove the skins.
Once the grapes to the winery will begin immediately with the soft press, which replaces the crushing and draining. The grapes are crushed with horizontal hydraulic presses. Within these presses is a tube that inflated, allows gentle compression of the berries against the inside walls perforated. From these will be released on juice while the stalks, skins and seeds remain inside.
With this type presses the pressing is usually scheduled for 2-3 fractions of different grape.
The first fraction, that is what you get with the least possible pressing is called juice and the juice is more valuable, that is used to produce the best wines.
Part of must instead you get with having to act greater pressure is called wort pressed. Typically produce 1 or 2 fractions of press and the right choice would be not to mix together and pressed flower.
The must is pressed to produce another type of wine,
simplify the concept: the juice could produce DOCG, while the pressed could be used for table wine.
The efficiency of this type of press is therefore based on a simple principle: the more gently the grapes are pressed, the lower the amount of juice extracted.
If we talk about the relationship between grape juice and pressed juice is made up of 60%. In general therefore 100 kg of grapes may be obtained by pressing no more than 60 - 65 liters of juice, pressed, you reach for even 80 to 85%.
The must is fermented without dregs and impurities. To eliminate them, we resort to fining (casein, bentonite and others) or settling maintaining the must at low temperature for about 72 hours, other systems are used centrifugation and filtration the . Obviously the use of centrifuges affects call quality and because the must be stressed more !!!!!!!!
After the usual treatments and any corrections must, proceed with the fermentation -usually started by the addition of selected yeast- conducted at controlled temperature rather low (18 ° - 20 ° C) to ensure the best qualities of fine fragrances and flavors white wine more prone to oxidation.
fermenter with double walls, sliding a cooling solution, allow the yeast to convert sugars slowly, when they are considered to have completed their task, proceed with the transfer .
This basic technique is increasingly being corrected or supplemented by other practices:
- if you want to get more white wines of personality and intended for development, the vinification is preceded by a maceration namely the must is kept in contact with the skins at 18 ° - 20 ° C
- the maceration on the skins instead is to maintain cool the wort for 18-24 hours at 5 ° C: You get in that way, than the traditional fermentation in white wines, the most prominent personalities, the richest in terms of taste. The maceration is also used for rose wines from ripe grapes of pinot grigio, a grape usually used to produce white wines. Thanks to the special charge of the skins polyphenols, these grapes can make a wine from the original shades of onion skin.
(the scheme was taken from "The pleasure of wine," Slow Food Editore)
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