This morning I woke up very early (which is rare for the truth) and I started to "groom" the web. Browsing browsing I found two articles very useful and fun that seems tailor-made for someone like me, approaching the world of wine ...
The risk, as already mentioned the first lesson , to become the wine snob is very high and we should not even think of touching !!!!!!!!!!
I must admit that I have neglected my blog a bit so it is true that this is the post of 2nd class while in reality already was held 3 !!!!! Well patience!! Go ahead ...
The second lesson has kept Dr. Maria Sarnataro (can not remember the specialization sorry), I must say very specific and precise in explaining concepts that unfortunately are not so simple! !
also very funny thing happened. It 'is well known that those who are about to follow any course would like to learn everything there is to know in less than two classes and I must say that we are not aspiring sommelier for less!
Towards the end of the class is indeed chaos broke out: the whole audience began to ask questions and affermzioni burst ... ... .. "But the arches are a sign of softness?" ... "This wine is more" transparent "the other" .... "Who produces this wine?" Etc.. Poor Mary and Tom had to literally hold us at bay reiterating, not infrequently, we still have many lessons before, and then there is time for everything! We must not get excited!! Be calm ....
fact he also told us not to end up when Albanian Antonio is part of an "expert" sommelier ... hahaha
But we talk about topics of the lesson . In particular, Mary has concentrated on:
1. screw: its development and diffusion around the world
2. phylloxera rootstock and
3. Propagation Techniques
4. Types of Graft
5. Plants ungrafted
6. Rooted
7. Life Cycle of the Vine
8. annual cycle of the Vine
9. The main farming systems
THE SCREW: its development and diffusion around the world ;
The Vitis vinifera is also known as European lives, but more properly should be Eurasian defined, the distribution area of \u200b\u200borigin is not well defined (once thought from the Transcaucasus). Appear in Europe in the late Tertiary, but its use dates back to Neolithic times (in the Eastern Mediterranean was cultivated to produce wine grapes in Europe and the Caucasus for the production of table grapes).
Sumerian writing from the first half of the third millennium BC, confirming that the screw was already then cultivated to produce wine.
In the drawing below are the history and characteristics of the botanical family Vitaceae.
of the family Vitaceae or Ampelidacee are approximately 50 genera. Those classed as Vitis , is divided into two subgenres: Moscadiniae and Euvitis . The latter is what interests the viticulture within its 7 series, there are 22 species, divided into 3 groups according to their geographical origin: American vines, vines East Asian and Eurasian screws. One of the 22 species is the European Vitis vinifera which includes two subspecies, the V. vinifera silvestris (including the wild vines of Central and South America, western Asia and northern Africa) and V. vinifera sativa (to which belong all the varieties cultivated today).
To understand: If we speak of Fiano, Aglianico, Falanghina, Greek, etc. Piedirosso, we talk about varieties that all belong to Vitis vinifera sativa subspecies. In fact
silvestris was the first subspecies that has been developed and was characterized by having plants with female flowers and plants with male flowers. Then with the evolution of this species has developed a plant that had flowers on themselves completely male and female (note the subspecies sativa).
Man breeder preferred to "grow" and develop plants that produce the fruit directly !!!!!
important from the point of view of viticulture are also other species of the subgenus Euvitis : the lambusca , which in its area of \u200b\u200borigin, North America, is still used such as grape wine, while others - r upestris, riparian, berlandieri, also originating in the Americas-are used as rootstocks, as resistant to phylloxera.
phylloxera EI Rootstocks
Originally from the American continent, the phylloxera (Phylloxera Castratrix) is an aphid arrived in Europe between 1858 and 1869 thanks to the steamboats that allowed to cross the Atlantic in less than ten days, long enough to survive the terrible parasite.
This insect causes damage to the screw at the European radical galling gnarled and consequent loss of absorbent capacity and leaf level where galls that appear to erupt beneath the surface causing a lumpy and uneven. The damage is so substantial that a radical level that leads to plant death.
From France, the phylloxera spread rapidly throughout Europe literally destroying the vineyards.
The problem of phylloxera, very serious for the European wine industry, gave rise at the end 800 to the promulgation of a series of measures to contain and fight, but proved ineffective.
The brilliant idea comes from Professor Planchoin of Montpellier, which identifies the source and make sure American phylloxera centuries of coexistence have allowed the American vines to develop effective defensive weapons as the roots of European vines, were (and are) sensitive to the sting of this insect.
solution , seemingly simple was to engage portions of the branch of European vinifera such as Falanghina (called slips) on a stem (called a foot or rootstock) of lives American. C ome said before there are several American vitis and it is possible that the rootstock is given by the union of 2-3 vitis U.S. or euro-American hybrid.
To achieve the right balance, it took years of study and, unfortunately, too many sacrifices: the map of vineyards in Europe is completely different, and many varieties as "pre-phylloxera" have now disappeared.
addition, many studies have been conducted to create and rootstocks with different characteristics, adaptable to various soils, more or less productive, with different resistance to drought, moisture , disease, heat, cold, mineral deficiencies and soil organisms. In this way, at the time of planting the grower has the option to choose for his ideal foot screws in relation to soil conditions and climate and its productive purpose.
To play new screws, does not consider the use of seed (seeds). In fact the form of paintings normally gives rise to propagation of the plants, while always screws, may nevertheless present a significantly different character from the mother plant (ie, the vine that produced the seed).
So excluding this technique will remain two to play and that is cutting and graft.
For means cutting a piece of one-year shoots with at least 2 buds, planted vertically in the ground, emitting roots from the bottom and a sprout from the top.
Grafting is a method of multiplying, which is to merge parts of different plants to form a single individual . So in very simple words: you merge a branch of ivy vine with a European, so you get two pieces that are not yet a single individual (because there is yet the root system), but will become a time that this individual will be planted in the ground.
Finally you will find that the lower portion is the rootstock of American lives and will come to the surface of the grape varieties you want.
For this topic, I refer you to this site J
PLANTS ungrafted
The technique for cutting gives rise to these screws ungrafted (ie without rootstocks) equipped with high quality and undisputed, but is a major limitation in poor resistance to phylloxera. However, this technique is still present in some situations where phylloxera did not take root well and one of these environments is represented by those with a sandy texture soils (for example, in the Campania region of Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei). The sand in fact limits the spread of the insect due to the abrasive action of its grains.
There is a difference between the grafted plants and those ungrafted? It 'obvious that you always get the same variety and the fundamental characteristics do not change. Much depends on the approach that the plant has with the environment so it is difficult to answer. The only certainty is that the plant has engaged a productive life of about 40 years while the free foot may extend beyond this period by far.
In fact today the creation of an installation is done with cuttings.
I found a video that explains in very simple terms what a barbatella. Here is the link .
The barbatella is a grafted seedlings a year. Through a graft vines unite American and European vines. These maps are then brought in the tanks with special conditions such that moisture to form a callus healing, then cutting these grafts are placed in the ground to root for about a year, then removed and sold as cuttings.
From the moment you realize the vineyard begins unproductive phase that lasts 3 years. Obviously, the branches begin to sprout clusters of small, but they are sent away because we should dwell more on development than on vegetative production.
from 4th to 5th year we have a phase of increasing productivity.
from 5 ° to 20 ° -25 ° year there is a phase of almost constant productivity, during which the screw is considered an adult.
From 25 through 40 years old being there.
The screw also runs an annual cycle that includes a sub-cycle and a growing production.
The subcycle vegetative occurs when the soil temperature warms up usually in March. The sap starts to climb down the trunk and emerges from the pruning wounds ( tears of the vine). In this way, trunk and branches regain the water and minerals lost during the winter.
Twenty to thirty days after the phase of the grapevine starts sprouting : first the buds swell and open, until the leaves appear.
grow leaves and grow new shoots. The vegetation continues until August, when we enter the phase August or maturation of the shoot. Slowly until the end of November, the branch turns brown and woody.
After the harvest in November and December fall leaves (defoliation phase) and the screw enters the resting phase winter, which will run until March.
same period, the screw follows a subcycle production . Between April and May has the appearance of Grappolini, their development and completion with the formation of flowers, the pollen differentiation and acts of ova for fertilization;
From mid-May to June flowering starts , which loads the stalks of flowers, with the opening of the flowers and fertilization. The fertilization may be affected by frost and rain.
from every fertilized flower develops a berry (fruit set ). The yield berry / berries varies with the variety and seasonal conditions: it is considered a normal fruit set by 25%. The rest of the inflorescence falls: is the phenomenon of leaking.
As long as clusters, swelling remain green, a few chemical transformations occurring in them. When the skin of the berries change color (veraison ).
After veraison, the berries grow for storage of sugars and other compounds (polyphenols, minerals, amino acids, etc..), And for storage of water. The berries ripening from mid-August to mid September to October, depending on the vines, which are considered early for this, such as pinot noir, pinot blanc, pinot grigio and chardonnay, or late as barbera, cabernet sauvignon, black d'Avola, Nebbiolo Negroamaro.
Awning: a farming system with high vigor, and production no longer so common. Each screw is 5 meters away on the other also each plant develops a large number of shoots and clusters. This means that not all the grapes can ripen simultaneously.
Cordon : The screw is shown on the rope with a rope fixed-bearing spurs which branch off 6-10 with 3-4 buds left empty. During spring and summer must be careful with pruning green shoots that will bind to the wires above. Winter pruning is done by removing the branches that have fruited and renewing the spurs from the proximal branch pruning This form will be simplified in the years ahead as it will only spur renewed annually.
Guyot : I found this video very comprehensive ....
Even this is interesting.
Sapling : pruning system in which the stem of the vine is kept at a height of 30 - 40 cm . On it are kept several branches each carrying one or more spurs with 1-2 buds. And 'the system adopted usually in warm regions, where water is scarce (Campania here in this form is present in Ischia, but also in Puglia and Spain and southern France), but is also present in cold regions (if we speak of Pimonte 'northern Italy but also France) because it allows you to take advantage of the accumulated heat from the ground.
GDC: the Geneva Double Curtain provides plant growth up to five feet in height and then the formation of two branches perpendicular to the direction of the row, supported by mobile media focused on poles close to the stumps. At the end of the media industries deviate and are supported by two parallel wires. The buds fall down without being tied. E 'one form of farming where you tip more for the introduction of mechanical harvesting
Her name is Mary Lu Zahalan Kennedy and is the first person ever to have graduated with a specialization in "Beatlesologia. The neodottoressa, cinquantreenne singer, actress and former finalist at the Miss Canada, has applied for the first master in "The Beatles, Popular Music and Society" proposed by Liverpool Hope University. The course was attended by eleven other students
last beheading took place last week, with "Perfect lovers' Raiuno
Playing the disaster of 'number zero'
last beheading took place last week, with "America's Sweethearts" Raiuno
The 'drivers' are in a coma but the 'classics' are not so well. Judging from the data, the "season of the numbers zero, or entertainment programs, unedited" tested "out of" warranty period "has almost disastrous results. He has not saved practically nothing: the last beheading took place last week, with "America's Sweethearts" Raiuno, who slipped the net 11% share (for an average audience of 2,927,000 viewers).
Barbara d'Urso by Aldo Busi (archive Courier)
But they have not done much better Milly Carlucci of "24 thousand voices," with 15.2% share (2,807,000 viewers in two episodes), or "The audience at home," super-flop from 9.5% share (2,342,000 viewers). He had his problems even Channel 5, with "Tonight that evening," the Barbara d'Urso (12.2% share, 2,343,000 viewers) and "Let's Dance" (12.6% share, 3 million viewers). Raidue has experienced "only love" of Monica Setta, who did not go over 7% share (1,777,000 viewers). These are examples that show the meaning of all Italian word 'experience': if other countries (like the U.S.) is intercepted to experience a refined public, open to innovation, hence the "experiment" ends by bringing the audience more residual one that does not move from the television screen even with the guns (just to analyze the target of "Sweethearts," ultra65enni with low education levels). If classics like "Friends" are in trouble, you have to pull two sums: first, the public increasingly jaded, bored and moves on generalist 'new' channels (awarded Rai4, Iris, Real Time, the movie channels on Sky), and second, a great crisis of ideas and creativity seems to invest the country, starting with the way he thinks to get distracted. In collaboration with Massimo Scaglione, Italy on data processing Geca Auditel. Aldo Grasso
Of course, when the facts were missing weeks of age, which is not always a requirement only master. It's a little 'effect, however, to imagine that those laws are dribbling in the case of the tragic news and become the ploy that the left waiting to beat a tough political opponent. The guarantor requires absolute quiet awaiting the evidence, the investigation will certainly correct - the names of pm, the best of the Italian judiciary, are a guarantee - the definition of any crime. Let me, however, cultivate the doubt the innocence of the protagonist violated, which would be the point of where you started the 'investigation in Milan. And let me dream of a left which takes the dignity of labor as a major theme from the Mirafiori precarious Alitalia Rai to call centers, students massacred by immigrants without a future and Berlusconi wins on the PDL and regaining the best for all of us living conditions, with less disruption and less injustice. If instead we have to defend two "victims" as Marchionne and Ruby, I do not get passionate too much.
What do I expect ....... Let's talk a little bit AIS
As mentioned in the post above, the first level Sommelier Course, which will begin to attend tomorrow, is organized by the Delegation of Naples AIS (Italian Sommelier Association for).
That a course is the only way to become a sommelier and currently are 3 main groups that organize courses: the ' AIS precisely ONAV (National Organization of Wine Tasters) and FISAR (Federation of Italian Sommeliers, hotels and restaurants). Which of these
3 to choose? Browsing the internet on a little I realized that the opinions are many, perhaps too many schools of thought and infinite .... I chose AIS because, according to many, seems to be the most reliable and serious .... (Then with time I'll tell you if this is true).
The road to qualify as a sommelier is long. In fact, the course is organized in three levels for a total of 44 lessons and the last lesson of the first two focuses on the deepening of the art of wine tasting and educational sull'autoverifica.
The self-Level I consists of a questionnaire of 20 questions closed more than a wine tasting with analytic-descriptive card AIS.
The self of the second level consists of a questionnaire of 20 multiple choice questions plus a tasting of a wine card with AIS and analytic-descriptive card to score.
At the end of the third level is the final exam or a test in two days of preparation and verification of cultural, professional and technical practice of the candidate. Candidates who pass the final exam (minimum score 60/100) received the certificate Sommelier, Tastevin the chain and badge.
But maybe I'm going too fast ...... ...... and then catch your breath and concentrate only on the first level course, which is better !!!!!
January 11 , The Figure of the Sommelier
January 17 Viticulture Enology
January 24: The Production of Wine
February 2 ; Enology: The Components of Wine
February 7 ; Visual examination
February 14 February 21 Nose
Consideration Gusto-Olfactory
February 28 Special Wines and Raisin 1
March 7 Special Wines and Raisin
2 March 16 Legislation and National Enografia
March 23 Beer is distilled from grains
March 28
-List April 4 , The Functions of the Sommelier
April 16 ; Visit Company
April 18 Tasting and Discussion on Self
write summaries for each lecture that will publish on the blog. I do not know why but that reminds me I'm doing the film Julie & Julia, and what I really enjoy it!! Look here
e. ......... follow me remember I recommend you keep the glass full !!!!!!!!!!
remember exactly the moment when I decided that I attended a sommelier. One morning in late March and I called my boyfriend, waking from its slumber, I cried, "now we go to Naples ... I have to buy a book about wine ... we take the hydrofoil 9:35." After an hour and a half we were inside the Feltrinelli Martyrs' Square in front of us and a twenty tina books on wine. Here snapped panic and consequent demand "and now? Which I choose?" but after a few minutes I was all clear.
began to realize that until then had been drinking wine only on rare occasions, such as during the big "binge " end of summer with my friends and then, this really did not know anything alcoholic beverage !
I needed a manual for beginners or the like and in the end my choice fell on The Pleasure of Wine published by Slow Food. The fact that there was written on the cover of "Handbook to learn how to drink better," he immediately inspired confidence. I do not know why, but usually the word manual always makes me think of something simple and practical to read.
way home I started flipping through my new purchase with pride, and in fact I thought it was just what I needed: a smattering about everything there is to know about wine before you seriously consider the possibility of attending a sommelier course.
Reading the book has continued throughout the summer and with it the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress .....
And here we come to the morning of December 12 2010 days in which yours truly went to the bank to make the transfer, of course indispensable, and thus win the right to attend the Level I course Sommelier AIS .
Only now, however, I realize that it did not answer the question "Why I decided to attend a sommelier" and since there are some, I've decided to list them:
because looking at the test of the cook (I love that program ) I was struck by the skill of Alexander Scorzone in combining food and wine.
because it makes me laugh so much when Antonio Albanian imitating, exaggerating a lot, the movements of an expert sommelier.
for the first time I entered the shop of my friend Stephanie was enchanted by the good things of wines and delicacies so much to think "is wasted eat and drink without going into a little bit what you eat and drink."
because I'm sick of going out to eat and not being able to combine a bottle of wine to the dish you choose.
because I follow the advice of Ezra Pound and that is to have c URIOS .
because I had a head so my friends who started the course in January and now I can not disappoint them!
because "it would be life without wine? The wine drunk in time and quantity is just the heart of the gaiety and joy of the soul"