Why this blog?
This blog was created to discuss an argument whose value is significant but often interpreted and handled roughly.
Try to think of a boat leaving the port without knowing where to go, which route to follow, not knowing how much fuel is in the tank. The question that everybody would do it "but who controls the boat?". The
command and control activities are in fact highly related: to exercise the command, you must have control of what happens.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Read Free Watchmen Online
New Blog
View my desire for change and freedom can change the look and personalize the blog (as well as the bad account users' privacy to google and all that concerns him - and have deservedly the title of Big Brother google), I decided to change the past and I am blogging platform WordPress
My new blog is:
Accessible also at:
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Where Can I Get A Brazilian In Plymouth
Our beautiful Pandino knight errant without blemish and without fear, fearless in its fight against the vile rogue and blue shadowy house of Microsozz, building on its core d'or and its pure code, tried to gain the trust of new comrades in arms with a brilliant initiative
from 15 July to 15 September there will be World Firefox Day . Visiting the site worldfirefoxday you can invite another person download Firefox inserting some data in an online form (for heterophile ...): said to form his own name / nickname and email address and name / nickname and email who you want to invite, and if the invited person will download Firefox before September 15, the names of the guest and the sender will be immortalized in Firefox 2 (the upcoming new version - the release is scheduled for autumn this year - our favorite Pandino) on the Firefox Friends Wall (a virtual wall of course. ... otherwise having regard to all Firefox users, but .... Great Wall of China).
For more info site also has a faq
What else to say: so what better way to immortalize a friendship or even something more:))?
Source: Blogzilla
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Examples Of Church Anniverary Programs

Pandino ur beautiful and comes with several useful extensions : some are especially useful for protect your privacy and make the navigation the Internet more secure and protected by spyware, adware, phishing , spoofing and various other crap that roam the large network.
begin by providing a brief explanation of the bad words just above:))):
The spyware, inspired by the perfect definition of Wikipedia, is the contraction of spy software and , a type of software , then, that collects personal information mainly related to Navigation User: sites visited, purchases made online, keywords typed into search engines (at best ...), without the user's knowledge and distributed via the Internet et to various organizations that any use (at best ...) to make a profit (or worse, simple marketing spam).
The spyware is not only this, is associated with other activities that make it malware (a contraction of malicious software and , malware ) ranging from simple spam , for illegal activities such as redirection to fake websites (the so-called phishing term taken from the world of fishing : it is literally "cast the net in case" like a fisherman in the hope of finding fish): sites perfectly equal both graphically and in terms of content sites considered more reliable for the user that ( banks or other institutions) and are used for real identity theft ( personal , credit card numbers , user names, passwords , email, etc. ...).
Another technique is to use false email (in this case it is email spoofing, spoof the word literally means "fool" or "fool") but seem genuine and they come from banks, insurance or commerce sites online and require personal or financial ( pin numbers, credit cards, bank , etc ...) pretending to be employees, trusted people or institutions that have a real and urgent need for this information: this is usually called social engineering (literally social engineering: if a system has not bug, or other vulnerabilities, the only useful way to a hackers to steal information on the computer system, and pretend someone else: the first to have used This technique is also the most famous hacker in history Kevin Mitnick )
's Adware (short for advertising supported software , software supported by advertising) finally, is a software tend to be free but packed with banner advertising, which may have the bad habit of transmit data of various kinds (personal details, or off the normal connection to activate international connections, and in this case we speak of sadly Popular
dialer )
All of these techniques, however, require a more thorough, long and detailed explanation in the future will give ...
For now, I hope I have provided a fast (the summary, as you'll see, is not really my forte ...) and clear overview of some of the main threats on the network ...
To prevent some crap from entering into our computer, are extensions of our beautiful Pandino.
What are extensions? They are small programs (also called plug-in ) integrated into the browser adding new features to Firefox
Let's see some that absolutely should not miss the inveterate browser:
This extension (which is actually bought by a company now also Mcafee ...) was created by some MIT engineers tired of fighting daily against spyware, adware, phishing and spoofing, etc. ... who have decided to classify the secure websites and dangerous : every site you visit will have a label (a red x if dangerous , a green check mark if safe, or " untested" if has not yet been classified : To get an idea, here's a screen like ).
After installing the extension (for how to install an extension saved on the hard disk go to extenzilla or if you want to install it directly from the official website : go to the Firefox menu just above the address bar: Tools> Extensions at the bottom of this window next to the button "Check for updates", you will find a link "Get More Extensions "; click to activate a encrypted connection site addons.mozilla. org - you'll know why the ' address turn green and there will be a padlock -) do any research on any engine, just a glance to see what will be the and non-secure sites.
If you're already on a site (Means that you have been distracted by this
new haircut ? O from trendy sofa ? Ah, I understand, there has distracted contar tomatoes , whether or not shawl is signed , whether or not it is an apple or a tomato ?) the little button that says site advisor the bottom of your browser will alert you if a site is bbbono nobbbono or changing color: green bbbono, red Nobbio, grigggio not tested:))) ...
Site Advisor is available for both Firefox for Internet Explorer (i Billiani listen, if you still have not realized that the right way leads to lovely Pandino, at least not use this extension to increase the number of drafts already very present in their browser ..): the only difference is the size, Firefox is only 40k to 400k Bill (eh, eh, eh ... so .... tiè learn :)))...)
Most important from note is that: Site Advisor (as seen on the other hand ...) warns only no reason not to install spyware, adware, trrickeballakke different ....
Another extension is very useful NoScript written by Giorgio Maone blocking javascript, java
( code run automatically when a site is displayed in a web browser and is often used to install without the user's knowledge, spyware, viruses, dialers, ... etc) and flash (when blocked or animations images flash displays a blue snake with a slash-symbol NoScript -) limit the execution to just the sites that we consider reliable For example, the previous site where you download the extensions mozilla , or site a bank (though banks sometimes not even use encryption through ssl or https ... so as NoScript allows it, I would use the option " temporarily allow" option ... I will explain this later in this post ...)
Once extension installed, you'll see: 1) a little exclamation point on a yellow background next to a blue S ticked and an inscription that says which mode was chosen (for example, "Execution script partially allowed "followed by the number of scripts on the page and what kind) on the left side in the bottom of the browser (just above the Windows Start button);
2) always at the bottom of the browser (if you have installed Site Advisor will be the icon next to the words "site advisor "...) but right this time, we will always S blue bars but will be a key , clicking opens a series of options ("allow script globally " - to avoid ... otherwise the extension has no grounds for be: everything will be allowed - , " allow site name "that contains the javascript - to allow the execution only to the site - and" let site name temporarily "to allow the execution of one or more javascript up to disconnect from the Internet (the end of the session) or " prohibits site name" to not allow absolutely Scripting
Here are some screenshots of NoScript for example to get an overview of what was said ...
Another extension, another gift: adblock can block all noiossissime advertising (also known as ads) that are filtered through a set of highly customizable rules (through a whitelist to allow or disallow the Downloading or viewing of certain or all of the images on a site, also blocks flash images and scripts (not to the level of NoScript anyway ...)
This extension is very good but unfortunately will not be most up to date, its natural evolution is Adblock plus (this link goes to the site Extenzilla on which you can find the extensions most famous and non-localized completely in Italian ) that adds even more features: image filtering, advertising, banners and all that is locked ( script, flash , etc ...) also contains the ability to regularly update (thanks to software updates ...) the whitelist ready ( pre-configured) to block the most common types of advertising ...

Spoofstick ( for Firefox users but also and above all highly recommended for users of Internet Explorer ) allows you to instantly locate website on which we are writing in large letters colored (red, green, or any Customizable color) the domain name For example below is the ' full address and absolutely real (no scam so ...) an address of ebay:
http: / / signin.ebay.com / aw-cgi / eBayISAPI.dll?
SignIn & UsingSSL pUserId = 0 & = & ru = http% 3A% 2F%
2Fcontact.ebay.com 2Fws1%%% 2FeBayISAPI.dll
3FShowCoreAskSellerQuestion%% 26requested
3Ddominicsmusic% 26de% 3Doff% 26iid%
26frm 3D3711129021% 3D284%%% 26acceptcookie
26loginconfirmed% 3D0% 3D0% 3D0% 26redirect%
26pass% 3D% 7B_pass_% 7D% 26userid% 3D & pp = p
ass co_partnerid & pageType = 2 & = 711 "
With Spoofstick see:" You're on ebay.com " simple? true?
If you come for some reason redirected to a spoofed site (no. .. has nothing to do with the Smurfs, Papa Smurf and Smurfette the warrior :))).. ..) for example
http://signin.ebay.com @ /
with spoofstick see " You're on" and therefore that the domain has changed
in this case can come in handy another extension:
Netcraft Toolbar
An excellent article on how to use it and use it is on Zeusnews
To install follow the instructions on the site
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Trade Pokemons Usig Emulatormacintosh
(From an article by Leron )
As you may have guessed from the title quite explicitly, one can easily guess which way to go My preference ...
Anyway ... step by step: What
Firefox is a browser equal (luckily) only in the end (used to "browse", then, the pages of various websites) for Internet Explorer .
Contrary to what may appear by the name and logo is not a fox but a red panda (here's a wonderful opposite).
Let's now a bit 'of history:
There once was an animal called a browser, but very very strange to call it that was not quite accurate: in fact belonged to the race of the browser but his real name was Mosaic , graphical browser, the interface good, too good nor very bloated, despite the considerable success, but alas the good interfaces do not last long: and here comes, in no time at all, the usual "browser mass "based precisely on the old, good and dear friend interface: his name was pompous and tyrannical Netscape Navigator. This navigator not at all friendly, skillful buccaneers from what was hardened; dominated clever, cunning and ruthless, almost 80% market share of Browserlandia. This buccaneer could not even begin to imagine what his fate, when the stormy sea in one night by wolves that came a Internet Explorer. Exploratory very worst, in terms of quality, of our predecessors but by the skilled pirate meretresche and manners and was in a huge frigate called Windows : apparently new, sparkling et linda but in reality full of small and large holes that it was not clear how, but she always managed to stage probably by inserting plugs called users.
And it came to war against the Buccaneers navigator exploratory meretrice.Quest 'last, thanks to its skilled ammaliatorie arts and techniques of the best school prostitution penetrated the weak opposing defenses.
The now old, tired and now at its lowest buccaneer did not give up and decided to adopt a technique that even the skillful art of sirenesca meretrifelico his opponent could counter: use the 'open source and was born from the water as Venus or a new phoenix the beautiful chestnut Mooooooozilla . The baby was not only beautiful Saurino young and strong, but in terms of majesty was far dall'esplorator harlot: she had the power of tabbed browsing and also always knew how to handle and place in the best way its beautiful cookies. Evidently, however, many of those cookies should not eat them because they had become a great burden that rendevan too heavy and slow.
Although even the earliest age the beautiful Saurino was just very clever and wise and decided it was too heavy to fight harlot exploratory and then said "ok no more frills and encumbrances to go hard," and so was born Phoenix : his name says it all, a phoenix no frills, but with multiple, customizable personality: a we now poisonous exploratory. Because blood is not good mind (babbosauro had grown just fine), the phoenix will invent another cunning: to pass unnoticed by the skillful and deceitful harlot disguised himself and that is that exploratory became Firebird (thought that: " With this name he can not resist the whore, eh, eh, eh! ") but the clever the bird had not yet satisfied other improvements: Lighten still its nice interface, a diet made to lighten the structure and its long and varied extension and all its skin and thus became final in that beautiful red Pandino (the panda is tender, sweet but Rosss, like fire! ah, ah! All things Garban all'esploratora peripatetic lot!) That we all know how Firefox.
like this "legend" in Firefox? Well now sure that we are going to list everything that this beautiful Pandino can do.
To make a good start schemino:
tabbed browsing (tabbed browsing the ) -> Firefox lets you open multiple pages in a single session, optimizing space and resource use system (thus opening up one page could display the contents of multiple web pages )
Popup integrated -> Firefox includes an automatic pop-ups to surf safely without fear of the uncomfortable Popup advertisements or junk various
Safer -> running potentially malicious code is blocked more effectively and can be set as desired
Faster -> Firefox has an engine fast rendering of pages (And then the pages load much faster)
the best search capabilities -> Firefox integrates bar with which you can set the search engine in your choice without having to load the web page (try believe .... very comfortable)
Fairness in code -> unlike Internet Explorer which has integrated non-standard features, Firefox follows the standards in code html ( www.w3c . org)
Expandability -> Firefox there are countless " extensions "to download to customize and make it as comfortable as possible
Personalize with themes -> there are many issues that will change the look of Firefox to your liking
Base OpenSource -> release the source code allows to act on the code at will, which leads to an infinite expandability and customization. Even if you do not know how to program, however, you can take advantage of the customization of others that seem comfortable.
Support RSS -> (live bookmarks: bookmarks live: using a newsreader - Eg Thunderbird - you can see the various sites that interest you aggiornamentidi)
Firefox also allows import bookmarks from Internet Explorer or other browsers
can be used from a USB drive and then you can always have at hand your browser with your favorite options (for information http://xoomer.virgilio.it/gabriele.tittonel/MozUp/ \u200b\u200b)
( Reflection: The title but especially the following content - whether from an article by Leron - were included thinking of all the people frightened by the news still not decided to try Firefox - Eaten Heart true? - ... And wrong: Firefox is like Ferilli, when you saw when you do not forget the more or to satisfy any gentle maidens: whoever we may put it .... mmm .... .. George ..?
No George, Nopaty? We understood it?: George Bush George Clooney .... oops .... so ... are the same .... eh, eh, eh .... Oh, well .... obviously for the link
you arranged:))) ... the Okke Ferilli, is a supergnocca ... but to move the sweet ciapet George ... and I'll try:))) ...
For all the unfortunate but nevertheless, loyal Billofili , try FinE !! and wonder ...)
E 'vastly more secure than Internet Explorer
( does not support Active X controls and vbscript : spreaders and harbingers of viruses, malware crap and any other business ... so if you are in the web page visited in that particular time does not run automatically as with Bill explorer)
E ' Open Source, is a browser created by users and responds to user needs , its code is OPEN , which allows you to plug the very first drafts ( resolve, therefore, faster security issues and release any corrections - the so-called patch -), which permits the development very fast and allows the creation of a myriad of variations, modifications and additions that expand the capabilities
has popup blocking Integrated (Internet Explorer only recently has incorporated it, who knows why? Eh ... the bad thing 'envy ....)
has an excellent management Cookie (Ie can not play individually and cookies eventually eliminate them.)
to view the file IE is difficult to distinguish cookies from similar domains, and all cookies from the same domain are stored in the same file ....)
has a ' excellent download manager
The download manager provides a table of all the files that were downloaded, so you can open them directly without having to search the disk.
IE does not start downloading a file until you select a location to save it, while Firefox will start the download in the background is just clicked, even during the choice of location.
has a very good password management
View and delete data from access to sites or password. (Very useful feature that still Interdet Exploder not even imagine ...)
The version 1.5 eliminates one click all personal information stored while browsing :
File Temporary Internet
Browsing History
authenticated session
All these data can also be automatically deleted when you close your browser (without having to take action every time, just check a box)
can automatically fill in online forms
Firefox stores the data completely to fill out a form, so you can reuse later to compile the same or other modules with the same data. This is useful to sign up hundreds of times for the same service.
Allows you to import options from other browsers
E ' FULLY customizable
has an excellent system TAB: This allows you to open many pages in a single window, to maintain order and relies much less on the system
obstructs the execution of malicious code (viruses, spyware) not using ActiveX but based on technologies that provide better security
's based on a system EXTENSIONS
What are they? There are additional extensions to the browser, fully integrated small plug-in system for adding functionality
practice in this way Firefox becomes like a LEGO :)): This is in the original browser, and you then think about putting all the features of interest. The Extension to allow hundreds and thousands of other things. The browser "naked" (which are already in itself has many more options in Internet Explorer) is just the beginning! This allows you to create your own browser, you are not bound by pre-approved packages
Here's what I do with my firefox (in brief):
Block pop-up ads or spam
the Block spyware with activeX
Can I install the portable version on a USB stick and it's always with me on any computer I go with my bookmarks and my settings (!!!)
I block banner on the pages filled with advertisements, block individual images, I can block entire websites that do not want to see, I can set up filters so you can see the pages correctly but WITHOUT internet banner advertising
Can I place bbcode forums (such as bold, underline, italics, dimensions, images, colors, size of the text ...) simply with a click of the right mouse button!
Can I set receive automatic notification of mail with Gmail directly from the browser
Can I customize the menu of your browser putting only what I need
Can I set Themes (Skins) for the browser to apply the graphics that I like most
can integrate with any download manager that I want
I can open the images on the Internet simply with the click of a mouse , without going back and forth dozens of pages
Can I get the news sites that interest me through live bookmarks (RSS)
I have a complete control cookies and temporary files , can I block malicious scripts as I want
more control over page display , I can zoom in, zoom, etc. ..
I pass by a proxy to another by clicking the right mouse button (this refers to the anonymous surfing on the Internet: Keep an eye Inforiosity , a short jump out of an article on this ...)
I search the Web with my favorite search engine by typing in a specific bar without needing to go to the homepage of the engine
Can I delete cookies individually
I use Firefox installed on a USB stick being able to bring where I want without affecting the PC that I can use
capture images of specific sites and also capture images from different domains than the one you're browsing, for example, on this page if I wanted to block the loading of Toucan images and Pandino cute. Can I search for text within a page full of writing thanks to a comfortable bar in the window instead of uncomfortable for Internet Explorer (which covers the results) and I can set the search so that it automatically highlights the results that I found
Can I visit a link even if it is that:)) but only a text (eg html.it ) simply by pressing the right mouse
I can create different profiles to use Firefox with several people, each will have their profile private temporary files , bookmarks and saved passwords
I can do a backup of all my information , bookmarks, etc ... simply copying a folder
Can I have multiple versions installed simultaneously on the same system
I view XML documents with associated style sheets without having to convert to other formats.
I see semi-transparent PNG (only version 7 of Ie was forsema can see them) for example:
I have a better support for CSS, CSS2 and CSS3
The bookmarks are saved in HTML
I can see code, the CSS web pages
Can I use the USB stick
... And as they say on the Mozilla site:
Red pandas are very more of a cute "and" blue.

Ah ... the list is not even a hundredth of what you can do with Firefox and Internet explorer probably only dream of doing, I use Firefox it at least 4 years and still discover new things.
I only wrote what I pureed in mind at the moment ...
sum with an image significant:
Friday, January 13, 2006
Will Running Change My Body

Perhaps this is the first question that is flashed to mind when you have found this blog; or more probably know already ete Mozilla and its products:
Mozilla Suite (browser and mail client)
Mozilla Firefox (the browser now become famous for having eroded the monopoly of Microsoft)
Nvu (a wysiwyg editor to create and manage websites)
Mozilla Thunderbird (the mail client with an effective anti-spam protection).
And now let's start right from the beginning: what is Mozilla?
has various meanings but mainly showed a small red dinosaur, the mascot group of developers of Netscape. E 'was created by the programmer (also known as hackers and two originals easter eggs - Easter eggs-in this context is to indicate a message hidden inside a piece of software or other media and not: books, movies, CDs, DVDs) Jamie Zaminsky .
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